This rule describes the nature and extent of personally identifiable information which is collected, maintained, and retrieved by the agency by personal identifier in record systems as defined in rule 17.1(22). For each record system, this rule describes the legal authority for the collection of that information, the means of storage of that information and indicates whether a data processing system matches, collates, or permits the comparison of personally identifiable information in one record system with personally identifiable information in another record system. The record systems maintained by the agency are:
All of the above listed records are collected pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 262, 262A, 263, 263A, and 271. All are stored in electronic form. Supplementary records in these categories are stored in paper form or on microfilm or microfiche. Information in categories lettered"a" through"i" can be matched, collated, and compared. Information in categories lettered"j" and"k" can be matched, collated, and compared. Information in categories lettered "l"through "p" cannot be matched, collated, and compared.
All of the above listed records are collected pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 262, 262A, and 266. All are stored in electronic form, except categories lettered "f" and"h " which are stored in hard copy form. Duplicate information or copies of the electronically stored information may be found in some cases on microfilm, microfiche or hard copy. Information in categories lettered"a" through"e," "g," "j," "I," and"m" can be matched, collated, and compared. Information in categories "f" and"h" can be matched, collated, and compared only with accounts receivable (see category"c"). The remaining categories cannot be matched, collated, or compared.
All of the above listed records systems are collected pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 262, 262A, 265 and 268. Means of storage include electronic unless otherwise noted. Moreover, some records may also be stored in micrographic or paper forms. All or parts of information in each system may be matched, collated, and compared except for those systems noted by an asterisk (*).
# Storage in paper or micrographic form only.
All of the above listed records, in whole or in part, are maintained on paper and in electronic form. The records stored in electronic form for systems"a," "b," "d," and"e" can be matched, collated, and compared. Records stored in electronic form for system"c" cannot be matched, collated or compared to any other of the systems. All of the above listed records are collected pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 262 and 270.
Records in"a," "c," and"e " are stored in electronic form and can be matched, collated, and compared. Records in"b, " "d, " and '/" through"j" are stored on paper and cannot be matched, collated, or compared. All of the above listed records are collected pursuant to the authority of Iowa Code chapters 262, 262A, and 269.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 681-17.14