Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-9.21
Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 653-9.21 - Licensure through IMLC(1)Requirements for seeking a Letter of Qualification from the Iowa board of medicine. An applicant shall meet all of the following requirements:a. Designate Iowa as state of principal license. To designate Iowa as state of principal license, the physician must possess a full, unrestricted, permanent Iowa medical license and meet one of the following requirements at the time the application for a Letter of Qualification is reviewed by board staff: (1) Iowa is the physician's primary residence, or(2) At least 25 percent of the physician's medical practice occurs in Iowa, or(3) The physician's employer is located in Iowa, or(4) If the applicant does not meet any of the requirements under (1), (2), or (3), the applicant can designate Iowa as the state of principal license if Iowa is the applicant's state of residence for the purposes of federal income tax.b. Provide evidence of the following qualifications:(1) Graduation from a medical school accredited by the LCME, COCA, or a medical school listed in the International Medical Education Directory or its equivalent.(2) Passage of each component of the USMLE or the COMLEX within three attempts, or any of its predecessor examinations accepted by the board as an equivalent examination for licensure purposes as prescribed in rule 653-9.7 (147,148).(3) Successful completion of graduate medical education approved by the ACGME or the AOA. "Successful completion" means participation in an ACGME or AOA postgraduate training program that achieves ABMS or AOA board eligibility status. A one-year transitional internship or a one-year rotating internship does not qualify as graduate medical education required in Iowa Code section 147B.1(2)"k"(3) and IMLC Section 5.4(1)"c."(4) Hold specialty certification or a time-unlimited specialty certificate recognized by the ABMS or the AOA. The specialty certification or a time-unlimited specialty certificate does not have to be maintained once a physician is determined to be eligible for licensure through the IMLC.(5) Has never been convicted of or received adjudication, deferred adjudication, community supervision, or deferred disposition for any criminal offense by a court of appropriate jurisdiction.(6) Has never held a license authorizing the practice of medicine subjected to discipline by a licensing agency in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction, excluding any action related to nonpayment of fees related to a license.(7) Has never had a controlled substance license or permit suspended or revoked by a state or the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).(8) Is not under active investigation by a licensing agency or law enforcement authority in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction.(2)Application. A physician seeking licensure through the IMLC who is qualified to designate Iowa as state of principal license shall file an application for a Letter of Qualification with the interstate commission at The application shall require the following: a. Payment of a nonrefundable service fee to the interstate commission for an application for a Letter of Qualification. This service fee includes the cost for the evaluation of the fingerprint packet and the criminal history background checks by the Iowa division of criminal investigation (DCI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as specified in 653-subrule 8.3(1); andb. Completion and submission of forms provided by the board, including required core credentials, documents, a completed fingerprint packet and the criminal history background checks by the DCI and the FBI, and a sworn statement by the applicant attesting to the truth of all information provided by the applicant.(3)Letter of Qualification.a. After receipt of all application materials, the board shall: (1) Evaluate the applicant's eligibility for licensure through the IMLC by primary source verification of medical education, graduate medical education, licensing examination results, and other qualifications as determined by IMLC rule;(2) Perform a criminal background check; and(3) Issue a Letter of Qualification to the applicant verifying or denying the applicant's eligibility. The applicant may appeal a determination of eligibility to the Iowa board of medicine within 30 days of issuance of the Letter of Qualification according to the processes outlined in rule 653-9.17 (147,148).b. The Letter of Qualification is valid for a period of 3 65 days from its date of issuance to request licensure in a member state. During this period, the physician must maintain eligibility to claim Iowa as the state of principal license or designate a new state of principal license.(4)Expedited licensure. Physicians who have a valid Letter of Qualification may obtain licensure in Iowa through the IMLC. To obtain a permanent Iowa license through the IMLC, a qualified physician shall:a. Complete the application process at the IMLC's website, Pay the licensure fee specified in 653-subrule 8.3(2) and any service fees that are required by the IMLC.c. Comply with the continuing medical education requirements of the board, including mandatory trainings specified in 653-Chapter 11.(5)Validity of a license issued through the IMLC. A license issued through the IMLC is valid for a period consistent with other permanent licenses issued by the board. An Iowa license issued through the IMLC shall be deemed terminated if the licensee fails to maintain a state of principal license.(6)Disciplinary actions against licenses issued through the IMLC.a. Physicians holding an Iowa license issued through the IMLC are subject to the laws and rules governing the practice of medicine in Iowa.b. Any disciplinary action taken by another member board of the IMLC against a physician licensed through IMLC shall be deemed unprofessional conduct which may be subject to discipline by the board in addition to any other violation of the board's rules deemed appropriate by the board.c. If a license issued through the IMLC to a physician is revoked, surrendered, or relinquished in lieu of discipline, or suspended by a member board of the IMLC, then the physician's Iowa expedited license is automatically and immediately suspended, without further action needed, for a period of 90 days upon entry of an order by the board. The 90-day suspension may be terminated early by the board.d. Any disciplinary action taken by another member board not in the state of principal license may be deemed conclusive as to the matter of law and fact decided, and the board may either impose the same or lesser sanctions against the physician so long as such sanctions are consistent with the board's laws and rules or pursue separate disciplinary action against the physician pursuant to the board's laws and rules.e. If the Iowa board, as the physician's state of principal license, revokes or suspends the physician's license, or accepts a license surrender in lieu of discipline, then all licenses issued to the physician through the IMLC shall automatically be placed, without further action necessary by any member board, on the same status. If the Iowa board subsequently reinstates the physician's license, the licenses issued by the other member boards shall remain encumbered until the member boards take action to reinstate the licenses.(7)Renewal of license issued through the LMLC To be eligible for renewal of a license issued through the IMLC, a licensee shall:a. Complete an online renewal application on a form provided by the IMLC at Complete an attestation that the licensee: (1) Maintains eligibility to designate a state as the state of principal license, pursuant to paragraph 9.21(1)"a"; (2) Maintains a full and unrestricted license in the designated state of principal license;(3) Has not been convicted of or received adjudication, deferred adjudication, community supervision, or deferred disposition for any offense by a court of appropriate jurisdiction;(4) Has not had a license authorizing the practice of medicine subject to discipline by a licensing agency in any state, federal or foreign jurisdiction, excluding any action related to nonpayment of fees related to a license;(5) Has not had a controlled substance license or permit suspended or revoked by a state or the U. S. DEA.c. Pay licensure fee for the renewal of a license issued through the IMLC and pay any service fee assessed by the IMLC.d. If audited, submit verification of completion of continuing medical education requirements set forth in 653-Chapter 11.(8)Waivers. The laws and rules relating to the IMLC cannot be waived.(9)Advisory opinions. The board will recognize advisory opinions issued by the interstate commission on the meaning or interpretation of the IMLC, its bylaws, rules and actions when determining an applicant's eligibility for licensure through the IMLC.Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-9.21
Adopted by IAB January 17, 2018/Volume XL, Number 15, effective 2/21/2018