Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-13.8
This rule establishes standards of practice for a physician or surgeon or osteopathic physician or surgeon who serves as a medical director at a medical spa.
"Alter" means to change the cellular structure of living tissue.
"Capable of" means any means, method, device or instrument which, if used as intended or otherwise to its greatest strength, has the potential to alter or damage living tissue below the superficial epidermal cells.
"Damage " means to cause a harmful change in the cellular structure of living tissue.
"Delegate " means to entrust or transfer the performance of a medical aesthetic service to qualified licensed or certified nonphysician persons or qualified laser technicians.
"Medical aesthetic service" means the diagnosis, treatment, or correction of human conditions, ailments, diseases, injuries, or infirmities of the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes by any means, methods, devices, or instruments including the use of a biological or synthetic material, chemical application, mechanical device, or displaced energy form of any kind if it alters or damages or is capable of altering or damaging living tissue below the superficial epidermal cells, with the exception of hair removal. Medical aesthetic service includes, but is not limited to, the following services: ablative laser therapy; vaporizing laser therapy; nonsuperficial light device therapy; injectables; tissue alteration services; nonsuperficial light-emitting diode therapy; nonsuperficial intense pulse light therapy; nonsuperficial radio frequency therapy; nonsuperficial ultrasonic therapy; nonsuperficial exfoliation; nonsuperficial microdermabrasion; nonsuperficial dermaplane exfoliation; nonsuperficial lymphatic drainage; collagen induction therapy (microneedling); fat-freezing treatment (cool sculpting); botox injections; collagen injections; and tattoo removal.
"Medical director" means a physician who assumes the role of, or holds oneself out as, medical director at a medical spa. The medical director is responsible for implementing policies and procedures to ensure quality patient care and for the delegation and supervision of medical aesthetic services performed by qualified licensed or certified nonphysician persons or qualified laser technicians at a medical spa. The medical director is ultimately responsible for all medical aesthetic services performed by qualified licensed or certified nonphysician persons or qualified laser technicians at a medical spa.
"Medical spa " means any entity, however organized, which is advertised, announced, established, or maintained for the purpose of providing medical aesthetic services. Medical spa shall not include a dermatology practice which is wholly owned and controlled by one or more Iowa-licensed physicians if at least one of the owners is actively practicing at each location.
"Nonsuperficial" means that the therapy alters or damages or is capable of altering or damaging living tissue below the superficial epidermal cells.
"Qualified laser technician" means any person, licensed or unlicensed, who has successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of training, including a minimum of 40 hours of didactic study and 80 hours of clinical training, in the safe and effective use of lasers in the performance of medical aesthetic services at an accredited laser training program. For the purposes of this rule, a qualified laser technician may only use lasers in the performance of delegated medical aesthetic services under the supervision of a qualified supervising physician at a medical spa. An unlicensed qualified laser technician may not perform any other medical aesthetic services defined in this rule.
"Qualified licensed or certified nonphysician person " means any person who is not licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery but who is licensed or certified by another health- or skin care-related licensing board in Iowa and is qualified to perform delegated medical aesthetic services under the supervision of a qualified supervising physician at a medical spa.
"Supervision" means the oversight of qualified licensed or certified nonphysician persons or qualified laser technicians who perform medical aesthetic services delegated by a medical director.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 653-13.8