Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-39.4
* 25 millicuries (925 MBq) of tritium per timepiece;
* 5 millicuries (185 MBq) of tritium per hand;
* 15 millicuries (555 MBq) of tritium per dial (bezels when used shall be considered as part of the dial);
* 100 microcuries (3.7 MBq) of promethium-147 per watch or 200 microcuries (7.4 MBq) of promethium-147 per any other timepiece;
* 20 microcuries (0.74 MBq) of promethium-147 per watch hand or 40 microcuries (1.48 MBq) of promethium-147 per other timepiece hand;
* 60 microcuries (2.22 MBq) of promethium-147 per watch dial or 120 microcuries (4.44 MBq) of promethium-147 per other timepiece dial (bezels when used shall be considered as part of the dial);
* One microcurie (37 kBq) of radium-226 per timepiece in intact timepieces manufactured prior to November 30, 2007.
* For wrist watches, 0.1 millirad (1 µGy) per hour at 10 centimeters from any surface.
* For pocket watches, 0.1 millirad (1 µGy) per hour at 1 centimeter from any surface.
* For any other timepiece, 0.2 millirad (2 µGy) per hour at 10 centimeters from any surface.
* 150 millicuries (5.55 GBq) of tritium per microwave receiver protector tube or 10 millicuries (370 MBq) of tritium per any other electron tube;
* 1 microcurie (37 kBq) of cobalt-60;
* 5 microcuries (185 kBq) of nickel-63;
* 30 microcuries (1.11 MBq) of krypton-85;
* 5 microcuries (185 kBq) of cesium-137; and
* 30 microcuries (1.11 MBq) of promethium-147.
And provided further, that the radiation dose rate from each electron tube containing radioactive material will not exceed 1 millirad (10 µGy) per hour at 1 centimeter from any surface when measured through 7 milligrams per square centimeter of absorber. For purposes of 39.4(3) "c"(1)"5," the term "electron tubes" includes spark gap tubes, power tubes, gas tubes including glow lamps, receiving tubes, microwave tubes, indicator tubes, pick-up tubes, radiation detection tubes, and any other completely sealed tube that is designed to conduct or control electrical currents.
* Each source contains no more than one exempt quantity set forth in Appendix B of this chapter;
* Each device contains no more than ten exempt quantities. For purposes of this requirement, a device's source(s) may contain either one type of or different types of radionuclides, and an individual exempt quantity may be composed of fractional parts of one or more of the exempt quantities in Appendix B of this chapter, provided that the sum of such fractions shall not exceed unity; or
* For americium-241, 0.05 microcurie (1.85 kBq) is considered an exempt quantity under 39.4(3)"c"(1)"6."
Any person who desires to apply byproduct material to, or to incorporate byproduct material into, the products exempted in subparagraph 39.4(3)"c"(1), or who desires to initially transfer for sale or distribution such products containing byproduct material, should apply for a specific license with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to 10 CFR 32.14, which license states that the product may be distributed by the licensee to persons exempt from the regulations pursuant to subparagraph 39.4(3)"c"(1).
* Name and address of the general licensee;
* A statement that the general licensee has developed and will maintain procedures designed to establish physical control over the depleted uranium described in 39.4(21)"e"(1) and designed to prevent transfer of such depleted uranium in any form, including metal scrap, to persons not authorized to receive the depleted uranium; and
* Name and title, address, and telephone number of the individual duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the general licensee in supervising the procedures identified in 39.4(21)"e"(3)"1."
* Devices containing only krypton need not be tested for leakage of radioactive material; and
* Devices containing only tritium or not more than 100 microcuries of other beta- or gamma-emitting material or both or 10 microcuries of alpha-emitting material and devices held in storage in the original shipping container prior to initial installation need not be tested for any purpose;
* In accordance with the instructions provided by the labels; or
* By a person holding a specific license pursuant to 641-39.4 (136C), the NRC, an agreement state or a licensing state to perform such activities;
* Each record of a test for leakage or radioactive material required by 39.4(22)"d"(3) must be retained for three years after the next required leak test is performed or until the sealed source is transferred or disposed of;
* Each record of a test of the on-off mechanism and indicator required by 39.4(22)"d"(3) must be retained for three years after the next required test of the on-off mechanism and indicator is performed or until the sealed source is transferred or disposed of;
* Each record that is required by 39.4(22)"d"(3) must be retained for three years from the date of the recorded event or until the device is transferred or disposed of;
* Shall furnish a report to this agency within 30 days after the transfer of a device to a specific licensee or export. The report must contain the identification of the device by manufacturer's (or initial transferor's) name, model number, and serial number; the name, address and license number of the person receiving the device (license number not applicable if device is exported); and the date of the transfer;
* Shall obtain written agency approval before transferring the device to any other specific licensee not specifically identified in 39.4(22)"d"; however, a holder of a specific license may transfer a device for possession and use under its own specific license without prior approval if the holder:
-Verifies that the specific license authorizes the possession and use, or applies for and obtains an amendment to the license authorizing the possession and use;
-Removes, alters, covers, or clearly and unambiguously augments the existing label (otherwise required by 39.4(22)"d"(3)"1") so that the device is labeled in compliance with 641-40.63 (136C) of these rules; however the manufacturer, model number, and serial number must be retained;
-Obtains manufacturer's or initial transferor's information concerning maintenance that would be applicable under the specific license (such as leak-testing procedures); and
-Reports the transfer under 39.4(22) "d"(3)"8" of this chapter.
* The device remains in use at a particular location. In this case, the transferor shall give the transferee a copy of these rules and any safety documents identified in the label of the device. Within 30 days of the transfer, the transferor shall report to this agency the manufacturer's (or initial transferor's) name; the model number and the serial number of the device transferred; the transferee's name and mailing address for the location of use; and the name, title, and telephone number of the responsible individual identified by the transferee in accordance with 39.4(22) "d"(3)"12" to have knowledge of and authority to take actions to ensure compliance with the appropriate rules and requirements; or
* The device is held in storage, by an intermediate person, in the original shipping container at its intended location of use prior to initial use by a general licensee;
* Shall register devices as approved in the Sealed Source and Device Registry. Each address for a location of use, as described in 39.4(22) "d"(3)"13," represents a separate general licensee and requires a separate registration and fee;
* If in possession of devices meeting the criteria of 39.4(22)"d"(3)"13," shall register these devices annually with the agency and shall pay the fee required in 641-paragraph 38.8(2)"c." Registration must be done by verifying, correcting, and adding to the information provided in a request for registration received from the agency. The registration information must be submitted 30 days from the date of the request for registration or as otherwise indicated in the request. In addition, a general licensee holding devices meeting the criteria of 39.4(22)"d"(3)"13" is subject to the bankruptcy notification requirement of 39.4(32)"e";
* In registering devices, the general licensee shall furnish the following information and any other information specifically requested by the agency:
-Name and mailing address of the general licensee;
-Information about each device: the manufacturer (or initial transferor), model number, serial number, the radioisotope and activity (as indicated on the label);
-Name, title, and telephone number of the responsible person designated as a representative of the general licensee;
-Address or location at which the device(s) is both used and stored. For portable devices, the address of the primary place of storage;
-Certification by the responsible representative of the general licensee that the information concerning the device(s) has been verified through a physical inventory and check of label information;
-Certification by the responsible representative of the general licensee that the licensee is aware of the requirements of the general license.
* Persons generally licensed by this agency under 39.4(22) "d"(3)"13" or an agreement state are not subject to registration requirements of 39.4(22) "d"(3)"13" if the devices are used in areas subject to this agency's jurisdiction for a period of less than 180 days in any calendar year. The agency will not request registration information from such licensees;
* The receipt, possession, use and transfer of this source, Model_______, Serial No._______, are subject to a general license and the regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or of a state with which the Commission has entered into an agreement for the exercise of regulatory authority. Do not remove this label.
(PLUTONIUM) (showing only the name of the appropriate material) DO NOT TOUCH RADIOACTIVE PORTION OF THIS SOURCE.
Name of manufacturer or importer
* The receipt, possession, use and transfer of this source, Model_______, Serial No._______, are subject to a general license and the regulations of a licensing state. Do not remove this label.
Name of manufacturer or importer
* This radioactive material shall be received, acquired, possessed, and used only by physicians, veterinarians, clinical laboratories or hospitals and only for in vitro clinical or laboratory tests not involving internal or external administration of the material, or the radiation therefrom, to human beings or animals. Its receipt, acquisition, possession, use, and transfer are subject to the regulations and a general license of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or of a state with which the Commission has entered into an agreement for the exercise of regulatory authority.
Name of manufacturer
* This radioactive material shall be received, acquired, possessed, and used only by physicians, veterinarians, clinical laboratories or hospitals and only for in vitro clinical or laboratory tests not involving internal or external administration of the material, or the radiation therefrom, to human beings or animals. Its receipt, acquisition, possession, use and transfer are subject to the regulations and a general license of a licensing state.
Name of manufacturer
Greater than 104but less than or equal to 105 times the applicable quantities of Appendix F of 641-Chapter 40 in unsealed form. (For a combination of isotopes, if R, as defined in 39.4(26)"a," divided by 104 is greater than 1, but R divided by 105 is less than or equal to 1.)............................ 1,125,000
Greater than 103 but less than or equal to 104 times the applicable quantities of Appendix F of 641-Chapter 40 in unsealed form. (For a combination of isotopes, if R, as defined in 39.4(26)"a," divided by 103 is greater than 1, but R divided by 104 is less than or equal to 1.)............................. 225,000
Greater than 1010 but less than or equal to 1012 times the applicable quantities of Appendix F or 641-Chapter 40 in sealed sources or plated foils. (For a combination of isotopes, if R, as defined in 39.4(26)"a," divided by 1010 is greater than 1, but R divided by 1012 is less than or equal to 1.).................... 113,000
Licensees having possession limits exceeding the upper bounds of this table must base financial assurance on a decommissioning funding plan
* The cost of an independent contractor to perform all decommissioning activities;
* The cost of meeting the 641-40.29 (136C) criteria for unrestricted use, provided that, if the applicant or licensee can demonstrate its ability to meet the provisions of 641-40.30 (136C), the cost estimate may be based on meeting the 641-40.30 (136C) criteria;
* The volume of onsite subsurface material containing residual radioactivity that will require remediation to meet the criteria for license termination; and
* An adequate contingency factor;
* Control of procurement and use of radioactive material;
* Completion of safety evaluations of proposed uses of radioactive material which take into consideration such matters as the adequacy of facilities and equipment, training and experience of the user, and the operating or handling procedures; and
* Review, approval, and recording by the radiation safety committee of safety evaluations of proposed uses prepared in accordance with 39.4(28)"b"(3)"3" prior to use of the radioactive material.
* Control of procurement and use of radioactive material;
* Completion of safety evaluations of proposed uses of radioactive material which take into consideration such matters as the adequacy of facilities and equipment, training and experience of the user, and the operating or handling procedures; and
* Review, approval, and recording by the radiation safety officer of safety evaluations of proposed uses prepared in accordance with 39.4(28) "c"(2)"2" prior to use of the radioactive material.
* The device can be safely operated by persons not having training in radiological protection,
* Under ordinary conditions of handling, storage, and use of the device, the radioactive material contained in the device will not be released or inadvertently removed from the device, and it is unlikely that any person will receive in any period of one year a dose in excess of 10 percent of the annual limits specified in 641-40.15 (136C); and
* Under accident conditions such as fire and explosion associated with handling, storage, and use of the device, it is unlikely that any person would receive an external radiation dose or dose commitment in excess of the following organ doses:
Whole body; head and trunk; active blood-forming organs; gonads; or lens of eye............................................................. 15 rems (150 mSv)
Hands and forearms; feet and ankles; localized areas of skin averaged over areas no larger than 1 square centimeter................................................200 rems (2 Sv)
Other organs........................................................... 50 rems (500 mSv)
* Instructions and precautions necessary to ensure safe installation, operation, and servicing of the device. Documents such as operating and service manuals may be identified in the label and used to provide this information;
* The requirement, or lack of requirement, for leak testing, or for testing any "on-off' mechanism and indicator, including the maximum time interval for such testing, and the identification of radioactive material by isotope, quantity of radioactivity, and date of determination of the quantity; and
* The information called for in one of the following statements, as appropriate, in the same or substantially similar form:
The receipt, possession, use, and transfer of this device, Model______, Serial No.______, (devices licensed prior to January 19, 1975, may bear labels authorized by the rules in effect on January 1, 1975)(the model, serial number, and name of the manufacturer or initial transferor may be omitted from this label provided the information is elsewhere specified in labeling affixed to the device) are subject to a general license or the equivalent and the chapter of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or a state with which the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has entered into an agreement for the exercise of regulatory authority. This label shall be maintained on the device in a legible condition. Removal of this label is prohibited.
Name of manufacturer or initial transferor
* A copy of the general license contained in 39.4(22), or if 39.4(22) "d"(3)"2," "3," or "4" or 39.4(22)"d"(3)"13" does not apply to the particular device, those paragraphs may be omitted;
* A copy of 39.4(20), 39.4(52), 641-40.95 (136C), and 641-40.96(136C);
* A list of the services that can only be performed by a specific licensee;
* Information on acceptable disposal options including estimated costs of disposal; and
* An indication that it is the policy of the NRC and this agency to issue high civil penalties for improper disposal.
* A copy of the NRC or agreement state's rules equivalent to 39.4(29)"d." If a copy of the NRC regulations is provided to a prospective general licensee in lieu of the agreement state's regulations, it shall be accompanied by a note explaining that use of the device is regulated by the agreement state; if certain paragraphs of the regulations do not apply to the particular device, those paragraphs may be omitted;
* A list of the services that can only be performed by a specific licensee;
* Information on acceptable disposal options including estimated costs of disposal; and
* The name or title, address, and telephone number of the contact at the agreement state regulatory agency from which additional information may be obtained.
* The identity of each general licensee by name and mailing address for the location of use; if there is no mailing address for the location of use, an alternate address for the general licensee shall be submitted along with information on the actual location of use;
* The name, title, and telephone number of the person identified by the general licensee as having knowledge of and authority to take required actions to ensure compliance with the appropriate rules and requirements;
* The date of transfer;
* The type, model number, and serial number of the device transferred; and
* The quantity and type of radioactive material contained in the device.
Name of manufacturer
* Registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the owner or operator of a drug establishment that engages in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug under 21 CFR 207.20(a);
* Registered or licensed with a state agency as a drug manufacturer;
* Licensed by the Iowa board of pharmacy as a nuclear pharmacy;
* Operating as a nuclear pharmacy within a federal medical institution; or
* A positron emission tomography (PET) drug production facility registered or licensed with a state agency;
* A label is affixed to each transport radiation shield, whether it is constructed of lead, glass, plastic, or other material, of a radioactive drug to be transferred for commercial distribution. The label must include the radiation symbol and the words "CAUTION, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" or "DANGER, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL"; the name of the radioactive drug or its abbreviation; and the quantity of radioactivity at a specified date and time. For radioactive drugs with a half-life greater than 100 days, the time may be omitted.
* A label is affixed to each syringe, vial, or other container used to hold a radioactive drug to be transferred for commercial distribution. The label must include the radiation symbol and the words "CAUTION, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" or "DANGER, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL" and an identifier that ensures that the syringe, vial, or other container can be correlated with the information on the transport radiation shield label.
* This individual qualifies as an authorized nuclear pharmacist as defined in 641-subrule 41.2(2),
* This individual meets the requirements specified in 641-subrules 41.2(77) and 41.2(78) and the licensee has received an approved license amendment identifying this individual as an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or
* This individual is designated as an authorized nuclear pharmacist in accordance with 39.4(29)"j"(2)"3."
* Certification by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the NRC or an agreement state as specified in 641-paragraph 41.2(78)"a"; or
* NRC or agreement state license; or
* NRC master materials licensee permit; or
* Permit issued by a licensee or NRC master materials permittee of broad scope or authorization from a commercial nuclear pharmacy authorized to list its own authorized nuclear pharmacist; or
* Documentation that only accelerator-produced radioactive materials were used in the practice of nuclear pharmacy at a government agency or federally recognized Indian tribe before November 30, 2007, or at all other locations of use before August 8,2009, or an earlier date as noticed by the NRC; and
* State pharmacy licensure or registration, no later than 30 days after the date that the licensee allows, pursuant to 39.4(29)"j"(2)"2," first and third bulleted paragraphs, the individual to work as an authorized nuclear pharmacist.
* The radioactive material contained, its chemical and physical form, and amount,
* Details of design and construction of the source or device,
* Procedures for, and results of, prototype tests to demonstrate that the source or device will maintain its integrity under stresses likely to be encountered in normal use and accidents,
* For devices containing radioactive material, the radiation profile of a prototype device,
* Details of quality control procedures to ensure that production sources and devices meet the standards of the design and prototype tests,
* Procedures and standards for calibrating sources and devices,
* Legend and methods for labeling sources and devices as to their radioactive content, and
* Instructions for handling and storing the source or device from the radiation safety standpoint. These instructions are to be included on a durable label attached to the source or device or attached to a permanent storage container for the source or device, provided that instructions which are too lengthy for such label may be summarized on the label and printed in detail on a brochure which is referenced on the label;
* Identify the manufacturer of the product or device and the number of the license under which the product or device was manufactured, the fact that the product or device contains depleted uranium, and the quantity of depleted uranium in each product or device; and
* State that the receipt, possession, use, and transfer of the product or device are subject to a general license or the equivalent and the regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or an agreement state;
The notification specified in 39.4(32)"f" shall indicate the bankruptcy court in which the petition for bankruptcy was filed and the date of the filing of the petition.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-39.4