Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-24.2
"Abandoned private water well" means a private water well which is no longer in use or which is in such a state of disrepair that continued use for the purpose of accessing groundwater is unsafe or impractical.
"Administrative authority" means the county board of health or the county board of health's designee.
"Administrative expenses" means salary, transportation and other associated costs for conducting the private well testing, reconstruction, and plugging program.
"Certified laboratory" means a laboratory certified by the Iowa department of natural resources in accordance with 567-paragraph 83.1(3) "a. "
"Cistern " means an artificial reservoir or tank constructed underground in which rainwater or private well water is stored.
"County board of health " means the board of health of a county as established in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 137.
"Department" means the Iowa department of public health.
"Plugging " means the closure of an abandoned well with plugging materials by procedures which will permanently seal the well from contamination by surface drainage and permanently seal off the well from contamination into an aquifer. "Well plugging" includes the proper application of filling and sealing materials.
"Private water well" means any excavation that is drilled, cored, driven, dug, bored, augered, jetted, washed or otherwise constructed for the purpose of supplying water for human consumption which has fewer than 15 service connections and regularly serves fewer than 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year and agricultural use wells.
"Public water supply" means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days during the year.
"Reconstruction " means modification of the original construction of a well. "Reconstruction" includes, but is not limited to, deepening the well, installing a liner, installing or replacing a screen with one of a different diameter or length, installing a pitless adapter, extending the casing, or hydrofracturing a well. Replacing a screen with one of identical diameter and length or replacing a pitless adapter is considered repair, not reconstruction.
"Total funds available " means the sum of the pesticide/fertilizer taxes allocated within Iowa Code section 455E.11(2) "(b)" (agricultural management account), within a specific state fiscal year, plus any carryover funds remaining from the previous fiscal year, which are returned to the section 45 5E. 11 (2)"b " (agricultural management account) grants to counties fund.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-24.2