Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-139.4

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 641-139.4 - Training program standards, student requirements and waivers
(1)Education standards. A training program shall:
a. Have a sponsoring institution that has received authorization from the department to conduct emergency medical care services training.
b. Use the United States Department of Transportation's Instructional Guidelines (January 2009) for any courses leading to Iowa certification.
c. Use the Iowa CCP curriculum (January 2016) for courses leading to the CCP endorsement.
d. Be accredited by, or have submitted a self-study application to, the CAAHEP if graduating students at the paramedic certification level.
e. Document equivalent training and what portions of any course have been waived for equivalency. A training program may waive portions of the required emergency medical care provider training for students currently certified as emergency medical care providers or licensed in other health care professions, including but not limited to nursing, physician assistant, respiratory therapist, dentistry, and military.
(2)Clinical or field experience resources. Training programs shall:
a. Have a mechanism to clearly identify students in the clinical or field setting, or both.
b. Have sufficient equipment and supplies to be used in the provision of instruction. The equipment and supplies shall be available and consistent with the needs of the curriculum and adequate for the number of students enrolled.
c. Ensure that clinical experiences available are consistent with the needs of the curriculum and adequate for the number of students enrolled.
d. Ensure that clinical affiliations that are outside of the sponsoring training program are established and confirmed in written agreements with institutions or agencies that provide clinical experience under appropriate medical direction and clinical supervision.
e. Only allow students to perform skills and procedures in the classroom, clinical or field setting for which the students have received training with direct supervision by a preceptor designated and approved by the training program.
f. Have sufficient classrooms, laboratories, and administrative offices and facility design to accommodate the number of students in the program and the supporting faculty.
g. Have current approved curriculum and library resources related to the curriculum readily accessible to all enrolled students (on campus and off campus) and shall include current EMS and medical periodicals, scientific texts, audiovisual and self-instructional resources, and other appropriate references.
(3)Staff. Training programs shall:
a. Have a training program director who is a health care professional (full-time educator or practitioner of emergency or critical care) assigned by the training program to direct the operation of the training program.
b. Have a training program medical director who shall, at a minimum, review the educational content of each training program curriculum, evaluate the quality of medical instruction, and supervise delivery of the curriculum by the faculty members.
c. Have qualified faculty through academic preparation, training, and experience to teach and evaluate the courses or topics to which they are assigned. At a minimum, each course coordinator, outreach course coordinator, and primary instructor utilized by the training program shall be endorsed as an Iowa EMS instructor.
d. Be allowed to conduct the NREMT psychomotor examination according to the policies and procedures of the department and the NREMT.
(4)Student eligibility. Training programs shall ensure that emergency medical care students meet the following requirements.
a. Be at least 17 years of age on the date of enrollment.
b. Have a high school diploma or its equivalent if enrolling in an AEMT or paramedic course.
c. Be able to speak, write and read English.
d. Be able to meet the minimum requirements for the cognitive and psychomotor components of the examination with reasonable and appropriate accommodations for those persons with documented disabilities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
e. Be currently certified, at a minimum, as an EMT if enrolling in an AEMT or paramedic course.
f. Be a current emergency medical care provider, RN, PA, or physician and submit a recommendation in writing from an approved EMS training program if enrolling in an EMS instructor course.
(5)Students. Training programs shall:
a. Ensure that each student submits a completed EMS student registration no later than 14 days from the beginning of an emergency medical training program course. The student registration link can be found on the BETS website (
b. Have defined processes for review of academic history, criminal history, and health-related issues for the admission of students.
c. Have a process to evaluate students on a recurring basis and with sufficient frequency to provide both the student and training program faculty with valid and timely indicators of the student's progress and achievement of the competencies and objectives stated within the program's curriculum.
d. Have student guidance procedures that include documentation of regular and timely discussions with qualified faculty or counselors.
e. Maintain student records for each student enrolled in each program.
f. Notify the NREMT of each student's successful completion of a training course to ensure NREMT cognitive examination eligibility.
g. Verify that a student completes all training program requirements before being eligible to attempt the cognitive and psychomotor certification examinations.
h. Report to the NREMT successful completion of psychomotor examination of each EMR and EMT student to ensure NREMT registration eligibility.
i. Verify that a student completes all training program coursework, completes the cognitive and psychomotor testing and possesses a current certification with the NREMT before making application to the department for an initial Iowa emergency medical care provider certification.
j. Notify the department of the successful or unsuccessful status of each student at the completion of each training course.
k. Ensure that students function and only perform skills or procedures learned in the training program until an Iowa emergency medical care provider certification is obtained.
l. Ensure that a student is not substituted for the regular personnel of any affiliated medical facility or service program but may be employed while enrolled in the training program.
(6)Financing and administration. Training programs shall:
a. Have adequate financial resources to ensure the continued operation of the educational program(s) in which students are enrolled.
b. Have a program evaluation process to gather and analyze data on the effectiveness of the program.
c. Notify the department, in writing, of any change in ownership or control of the training program.
d. Have liability insurance and offer liability insurance to students while they are enrolled in the training program.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-139.4

Rescinded by IAB October 10, 2018/Volume XLI, Number 8, effective 11/14/2018
Adopted by IAB August 12, 2020/Volume XLIII, Number 4, effective 9/16/2020
Amended by IAB March 24, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 20, effective 4/28/2021
Amended by IAB December 15, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 12, effective 1/19/2022