Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-11.1
"AIDS" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"AIDS-related condition" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"Alleged offender" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 915.40.
"Benefits and drug assistance program" or "BDAP" means the Iowa benefits and drug assistance program, a component of the Ryan White program administered by the health and human services department (department).
"Blood bank" means a facility for the collection, processing, or storage of human blood or blood derivatives, or from which or by means of which human blood or blood derivatives are distributed or otherwise made available.
"Blood-borne viral hepatitis" means hepatitis B or hepatitis C.
"Care provider" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 139A.2.
"CDC" means the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
"Certification of a significant exposure report" means the determination by an authorized infection preventionist, occupational health professional, or other personnel trained in infection control or infectious disease medicine and designated by a facility to review significant exposure reports that the incident described by the exposed care provider meets the definition of a significant exposure as defined in this rule.
"Confirmed positive test" means a reactive result or detectable quantity on any HIV-related test, including an antibody test, an antigen test, a culture, a nucleic acid amplification test, or other test or combination of tests that is considered to be confirmatory according to prevailing medical technology and algorithms or guidance from CDC. When the confirmed positive test involves more than one test, all test results should be included in any reports to the department.
"Contagious or infectious disease" means hepatitis in any form, meningococcal disease as defined in these rules, AIDS or HIV as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1, tuberculosis as defined in these rules, and any other disease determined to be life-threatening to a person exposed to the disease based upon a determination by the state epidemiologist or medical director and in accordance with guidelines of the CDC.
"Department of corrections" means the Iowa department of corrections.
"Designated representative" means a person who is designated by a department, agency, division, or service organization to act on behalf of the exposed care provider as a liaison with the facility that received the source patient when the exposure occurred in the field or during patient transport.
"Director of a plasma center, blood bank, clinical laboratory, organ procurement organization, or public health laboratory" means the person responsible for direction and operation of the facility, the medical director, or the person designated by the director or medical director to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and requirements.
"Emergency medical services personnel" means "emergency medical care provider" as defined in Iowa Code section 147A.1.
"Exposure" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 139A.2.
"HBV" means hepatitis B virus.
"Health care facility" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 139A.2.
"Health care provider" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"Health facility" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"HIV" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"HIV infection" means having acquired the human immunodeficiency virus.
"HIV-related test" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 141A.1.
"Home health services" means health care services provided by a care provider in a patient's home or other residence.
"Identifiable third party" means a sexual partner of or a person who shares drug injecting equipment with a person who has been diagnosed with HIV infection.
"Infectious bodily fluids" means bodily fluids capable of transmitting HIV as listed in "Updated U.S. Public Health Service guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HIV and recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis," dated September 25, 2013, and updated May 23, 2018, published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, on its website. To prevent HIV and blood-borne viral hepatitis disease transmission, this reference indicates that standard precautions should be followed for exposure to the following infectious bodily fluids: blood, amniotic fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, semen, vaginal secretions, and saliva contaminated with blood. HIV and blood-borne viral hepatitis disease transmission has not occurred from feces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, vomitus, and saliva when it is not contaminated with blood.
"Laboratory" means a clinical or public health laboratory, a plasma center, or a blood bank inside or outside the boundaries of Iowa.
"Meningococcal disease" means acute infectious bacterial meningococcal infection presenting as invasive disease characterized by one or more clinical syndromes, including bacteremia, sepsis, or meningitis. "Meningococcal disease" does not include nasopharyngeal colonization by Neisseria meningitidis.
"Payer of last resort" means a requirement to coordinate services and seek payment from all other sources before Ryan White program funds are used.
"Physician" means a person currently licensed pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 148.
"Physician assistant" means a person currently licensed under Iowa Code chapter 148C.
"Plasma center" means a facility that conducts plasmapheresis.
"Plasmapheresis" means the removal of blood from a human being to obtain plasma with the subsequent reinfusion of the remaining formed elements into the donor but excludes such a procedure performed for the purpose of improving the health of the donor.
"Public health laboratory" means a laboratory operated by an agency of city, county or state government for the purpose of supporting disease control activities.
"Respite care services" means health care services provided by a care provider in a patient's home or other residence on a short-term, temporary basis as relief to those who are caring for family members.
"Ryan White program" means the Ryan White part B program administered by the department, which provides case management, behavioral health, and other supportive services, and assistance with the costs of housing, health insurance, and treatment medications for eligible low-income individuals diagnosed with HIV.
"Sexually transmitted disease or infection" means "sexually transmitted disease or infection" as defined in rule 641-1.1 (139A).
"Significant exposure" means a situation in which there is a risk of contracting disease through exposure to a patient's infectious bodily fluids in a manner capable of transmitting an infectious agent as determined by CDC. Exposure includes contact with blood or other infectious bodily fluids to which standard precautions apply through percutaneous inoculation or contact with an open wound, nonintact skin, or mucous membranes during the performance of normal job duties. Significant exposures include:
"Significant exposure report" means the Report of Exposure to HIV or Other Infectious Disease form provided by the department. This is the only form authorized to be used to document a significant exposure to infectious bodily fluids such that the source patient is deemed to consent to a test to determine if the patient has a contagious or infectious disease and is deemed to consent to notification of the care provider of the results of the test pursuant to Iowa Code section 139A.19.
"Tuberculosis" means infectious tuberculosis as defined in rule 641-1.1 (139A).
Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-11.1