Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-1.1
For the purpose of these rules, the following definitions will apply:
"AIDS" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 141A.
"Area quarantine" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Business" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Care provider" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Case" means an individual who has confirmatory evidence of disease.
"Clinical laboratory" means any laboratory performing analyses on specimens taken from the body of a person in order to assess that person's health status.
"Communicable disease" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Congenital or inherited disorder" means any congenital disorder as defined in Iowa Code chapter 136A or any inherited disorder as defined in Iowa Code chapter 136A.
"Disease surveillance" means the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data essential for planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs and practices.
"Exposure" means contact with an agent in a manner that could cause disease or infection.
"HBV" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Health care facility" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Health care provider" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"HIV" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 141A.
"Hospital" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 135B.
"IDSS" means the Iowa disease surveillance system, a secure electronic statewide disease reporting and surveillance system.
"Infectious disease" means a disease caused by the entrance into the body of organisms, including but not limited to bacteria, protozoans, fungi, prions, or viruses that grow and multiply.
"Infectious tuberculosis" means pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis as evidenced by:
"Investigation" means an inquiry conducted to determine the specific source, mode of transmission, and cause of a disease or suspected disease occurrence and to determine the specific incidence, prevalence, and extent of the disease in the affected or general population. "Investigation" may also include the application of scientific methods and analysis to institute appropriate control measures.
"Isolation" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Local board" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Local department" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Placard" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Poison control or poison information center" means any organization or program that has as one of its primary objectives the provision of toxicologic and pharmacologic information and referral services to the public and to health care providers (other than pharmacists) in response to inquiries about actual or potential poisonings.
"Public health disaster" means an incident as defined in Iowa Code section 135.140.
"Quarantinable disease" means any communicable disease that presents a risk of serious harm to public health and that may require isolation or quarantine to prevent its spread. "Quarantinable disease" includes but is not limited to cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers, novel influenza, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
"Quarantine" means the same as defined in Iowa Code chapter 139A.
"Reportable cancers" means those cancers included in the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.
"Reportable disease" means any disease or condition approved by the state epidemiologist or medical director and designated by this chapter.
"Sexually transmitted disease or infection" or "STI" means a disease or infection as identified by this chapter that is transmitted through sexual practices. "Sexually transmitted disease or infection" includes but is not limited to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus, and syphilis.
"Suspected case" means an individual who presents with clinical signs or symptoms indicative of a reportable or quarantinable disease.
"Toxic agent" means any noxious substance in solid, liquid or gaseous form capable of producing illness in humans including but not limited to pesticides as defined in Iowa Code chapter 206, heavy metals, organic and inorganic dusts and organic solvents. Airborne toxic agents may be in the form of dusts, fumes, vapors, mists, gases or smoke.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 641-1.1