The department will notify existing permittees of any emergency restriction or suspension of water use by written order pursuant to subrule 52.7(2). A permittee will be required to maintain daily records of water withdrawal and wastewater discharge, if any, while the emergency order is in effect. These records shall be available for inspection by the department to verify compliance with the order.
Suspension or restriction of water usage applicable to otherwise nonregulated water users shall be by emergency order of the director which the department shall cause to be published in local newspapers of general circulation and broadcast by local media. The emergency order shall state an effective date of the suspension or restriction and shall be immediately effective on that date unless stayed, modified or vacated at a hearing before the commission or by a court.
The department will lift the suspension or restriction of water usage, as deemed appropriate, when evidence of sustained, improved conditions is available.
The department will not impose a suspension of water or a further restriction, other than emergency conservation, on the uses of water provided in paragraphs 52.10(3)"g" through"i" or on uses of water pursuant to a contract with the state as provided in Iowa Code subsections 455B263(5). and 455B263(6). unless the governor has issued a proclamation, as described in paragraph 52.10(2)"b. " Notwithstanding such proclamation, in the case of water use under a contract with the state pursuant to Iowa Code subsections 455B.263(5) and 455B263(6). and in effect prior to March 5, 1985, restriction or suspension measures will be limited to emergency conservation.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-52.10