Iowa Admin. Code r. 491-12.15
Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 491-12.15 - Opening, counting, and recording contents of containers in the count room(1) Each facility shall file with a commission representative the specific times and procedures for opening, counting, and recording the contents of containers.(2) All persons present in the count room during the counting process, unless expressly exempted by a commission representative, shall wear a full-length, one-piece, pocketless outer garment with openings only for the arms, feet, and neck that extends over any other garments and covers the tops of any footwear.(3) Persons shall not: a. Carry a pocketbook or other container into the count room, unless it is transparent.b. Remove their hands from or return them to a position on or above the count table unless the backs and palms of the hands are first held straight out and exposed to the view of other members of the count team and the closed circuit surveillance camera.(4) Requirements for conducting the count. a. Immediately prior to the commencement of the count, the count team shall notify the person assigned to the surveillance room that the count is about to begin, after which the surveillance department shall make a video recording with the time and date inserted thereon of the entire counting process.b. Prior to counting the contents of the containers, the doors to the count room shall be locked and no person shall be permitted to enter or leave the count room, except during an emergency or on scheduled breaks, until the entire counting, recording, and verification process is completed. During this time, a commission representative shall have unrestricted access.c. When a container is placed on a count table or coin scale, the count team shall ensure that the table or machine number associated with a container is identified to the surveillance department.d. A machine may be used to automatically count the contents of a container.e. The contents of each container shall be emptied on the count table or coin scale and either manually counted separately on the count table or counted in an approved currency counting machine located in a conspicuous location on, near, or adjacent to the count table or coin scale. These procedures shall at all times be conducted in full view of the closed circuit surveillance cameras located in the count room.f. Immediately after the contents of a container are emptied onto the count table or coin scale, the inside of the container shall be held up to the full view of a closed circuit surveillance camera and shall be shown to at least one other count team member to ensure all contents of the container have been removed and, if applicable, the container shall then be locked. By the end of the count process, empty containers shall be secured in a container cart or an area separate from uncounted containers. g. If the original count is being performed by a machine that automatically counts and records the amounts of the contents of each individual container, an aggregate count may be permitted in substitution of a second container count.h. For manually counted containers: (1) The count team members shall place the contents of each container into separate stacks on the count table by denomination of currency and by type of form, record, or document, except that a machine may be used to automatically sort currency by denomination.(2) Each denomination of currency shall be counted separately by one count team member who shall group currency of the same denomination on the count table in full view of a closed circuit surveillance camera. The currency shall then be counted by a second count team member who is unaware of the result of the original count. The second count team member, after completing this count, shall confirm the accuracy of the total, either orally or in writing, with that reached by the first count team member.(5) Table games. a. As the contents of each container from a table game are counted, one count team member shall record the following information by game, table number, date, and time on a master game report or supporting documents: (1) The amount of each denomination of currency.(2) The amount of all denominations of currency.(3) The total amounts of currency.(4) The total amount of gaming chips.(5) The amount of the opener.(6) The amount of the closer.(7) The serial number and amount of each fill.(8) The amount of all fills.(9) The serial number and amount of each credit.(10) The amount of all credits.b. After the contents of each container are counted and recorded, one member of the count team shall record by game on the master game report the total amounts of currency, table inventory slips, fills, credits, and win or loss together with any other required information.c. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs 12.15(5)"a" and"b, " if the internal controls allow for the recording of fills, credits, and table inventory slips on the master game report or supporting documents prior to commencement of the count, a count team member shall compare for agreement the totals of the amounts recorded thereon to the fills, credits, and table inventory slips removed from the containers.d. After preparation of the master game report, each count team member shall sign the report attesting to the accuracy of the information contained thereon.e. Currency and gaming chips shall not be removed from the count room after commencement of the count until the total has been verified and accepted by a cashier. At the conclusion of the count, all currency and gaming chips removed from the containers shall be counted by a cashier in the presence of a count team member prior to having access to the information recorded on the master game report. The cashier shall attest to the accuracy of the amount received from the gaming tables by signature on the master game report, after which a count team member shall sign the master game report evidencing the fact that both the cashier and count team have agreed on the total counted. The verified funds shall then remain in the custody of the cashier.f. After the master game report has been signed, the requests, slips, and table inventory slips removed from the containers shall be attached. The report, with attachments, shall then be transported directly to the accounting department or shall be maintained in locked storage until the master game report can be delivered to the accounting department. Upon meeting the signature requirements described in paragraph 12.15(5)"e, " the report shall not be available to any cashier's cage personnel. g. Unless the internal controls provide for the forwarding of the original requests and original slips from the cashier's cage directly to the accounting department, the original requests and original slips recorded or to be recorded on the master game report shall be transported from the count room directly to the accounting department.h. The originals and copies of the master game report, requests, slips, table inventory slips, and the test receipts from the currency counting equipment shall, on a gaming day basis in the accounting department, be: (1) Compared for agreement with each other on a test basis if the originals are received from the count room by persons with no recording responsibilities and, if applicable, to copies remaining in the dispenser or stored data.(2) Reviewed for the appropriate number and propriety of signatures on a test basis.(3) Accounted for by series numbers, if applicable.(4) Verified for proper calculation, summarization, and recording.(6) Maintained and controlled by the accounting department as a permanent accounting record.(6) Slot machines. a. Currency shall not be removed from the count room after commencement of the count until the currency total has been verified and accepted by a cashier. At the conclusion of the count, all currency removed from the containers shall be counted by a cashier in the presence of a count team member prior to the recording of information on the slot drop sheet. The cashier shall attest to the accuracy of the amount of currency received from the slot machines by signature on the slot drop sheet, after which a count team member shall sign the slot drop sheet evidencing the fact that both the cashier and count team have agreed on the total amount of currency counted. The verified funds shall remain in the custody of the cashier.b. The slot drop sheet and supporting documents shall be transported directly to the accounting department and shall not be available, except for signing, to any cashier's cage or slot personnel or shall be maintained in locked storage until they can be delivered to the accounting department.c. The preparation of the slot drop sheet shall be completed by accounting employees as follows: (1) Compare the amount of currency counted and the drop meter reading for agreement for each slot machine.(2) Record the hopper fills for each slot machine.(3) Record for each slot machine the payouts and compare for agreement the payouts to the manual jackpot meter reading recorded on the slot meter sheet.(4) Calculate and record the win or loss for each slot machine.(5) Explain and report for corrections of apparent meter malfunctions to the slot department all significant differences between meter readings and amounts recorded.(6) Calculate statistics by slot machine.d. The slot drop sheet, the slot meter sheet, payouts, and hopper fills shall be: (1) Compared for agreement with each other and to copies or stored data on a test basis.(2) Reviewed for the appropriate number and propriety of signatures on a test basis.(3) Accounted for by series numbers, if applicable.(4) Verified for proper calculation, summarization, and recording.(6) Maintained and controlled by accounting department employees.Iowa Admin. Code r. 491-12.15
ARC 8029B, IAB 8/12/09, effective 9/16/09; ARC 9018B, IAB 8/25/10, effective 9/29/10