Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-25.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 13, December 25, 2024
Rule 441-25.1 - Definitions

"Access center" means the coordinated provision of intake assessment, screening for multi-occurring conditions, care coordination, crisis stabilization residential services, subacute mental health services, and substance abuse treatment for individuals experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis who do not need inpatient psychiatric hospital treatment, but who do need significant amounts of supports and services not available in other home- and community-based settings.

"Adult" means the same as defined in 441-subrule 78.27(1).

"Assertive community treatment" or "ACT" means a program of comprehensive outpatient services consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, provided in the community and directed toward the amelioration of symptoms and the rehabilitation of behavioral, functional, and social deficits of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness and individuals with complex symptomology who require multiple mental health and supportive services to live in the community.

"Assessment and evaluation" means the clinical review by a mental health professional of the current functioning of the individual using the service in regard to the individual's situation, needs, strengths, abilities, desires and goals to determine the appropriate level of care.

"Behavioral health inpatient treatment" or "mental health inpatient treatment" means inpatient psychiatric services to treat an acute psychiatric condition provided in a licensed hospital with a psychiatric unit or a licensed freestanding psychiatric hospital.

"Behavioral health outpatient therapy" means the same as "outpatient services" described in Iowa Code section 230A.106(2)"a."

"Brain injury" means the same as defined in rule 441-83.81 (249A).

"Care coordination" means facilitating communication and ensuring provision of services among multiple professionals and service providers, the individual, and family members or other natural supports when designated by the individual, and ensuring the individual has the information necessary to actively participate in service and discharge or transition planning.

"Case management" means service provided by a case manager who assists individuals in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services through assessment, development of a care plan, referral, monitoring and follow-up using a strengths-based service approach that helps individuals achieve specific desired outcomes leading to a healthy self-reliance and interdependence with their community.

"Case manager" means a person who has completed specified and required training to provide case management through the medical assistance program.

"Child" or "children" means a person or persons under 18 years of age.

"Children's behavioral health services" means behavioral health services for children who have a diagnosis of serious emotional disturbance.

"Children's behavioral health system" or "children's system" means the behavioral health system for children implemented pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 225C.

"Comprehensive assessment" means the same as "crisis assessment" defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C) for individuals being referred to crisis stabilization residential services and means the same as "assessment" defined in rule 481-71.2 (135G) for individuals being referred to subacute mental health services.

"Crisis assessment" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Crisis care coordination" means a service provided during an acute crisis episode that facilitates working together to organize a plan and service transition programing, including working agreements with inpatient behavioral health units and other community programs. The service shall include referrals to mental health services and other supports necessary to maintain community-based living capacity, including case management as defined herein.

"Crisis evaluation" means the process used with an individual to collect information related to the individual's history and needs, strengths, and abilities in order to determine appropriate services or referral during an acute crisis episode.

"Crisis intervention plan" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.1 (225C).

"Crisis screening" means a brief assessment to make a determination of the presenting problem and referral to the appropriate level of care.

"Crisis stabilization community-based services" or "CSCBS" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Crisis stabilization residential services" or "CSRS" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Day habilitation" means services that assist or support the individual in developing or maintaining life skills and community integration. Services shall enable or enhance the individual's functioning, physical and emotional health and development, language and communication development, cognitive functioning, socialization and community integration, functional skill development, behavior management, responsibility and self-direction, daily living activities, self-advocacy skills, or mobility.

"Early identification" means the process of detecting developmental delays, mental illness, or untreated conditions that may indicate the need for further evaluation.

"Early intervention" means services designed to address the social, emotional, and developmental needs of children at their earliest stages to decrease long-term effects and provide support in meeting developmental milestones.

"Education services" means activities that increase awareness and understanding of the causes and nature of conditions or factors which affect an individual's development and functioning.

"Emergency services" means the same as defined in 441-subrule 24.4(15).

"Emergency detention" means the same as "immediately detained" as described in Iowa Code section 229.22(1).

"Evidence-based services" or "evidence-based practices" means using interventions that have been rigorously tested; have yielded consistent, replicable results; and have proven safe, beneficial and effective and have established standards for fidelity of the practice.

"Face-to-face" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Family psychoeducation" means services including the provision of emotional support, education, resources during periods of crisis, and problem-solving skills consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Family support" means services provided by a family support peer specialist that assist the family of an individual to live successfully in the family or community including, but not limited to, education and information, individual advocacy, family support groups, and crisis response.

"Family support peer specialist" means a parent, primary caregiver, foster parent or family member of an individual who has successfully completed standardized training to provide family support through the medical assistance program.

"Group supported employment" means the job and training activities in business and industry settings for groups of no more than eight workers with disabilities. Group settings include enclaves, mobile crews, and other business-based workgroups employing small groups of workers with disabilities in integrated, sustained, paid employment.

"HCBS" means home- and community-based services as defined in rule 441-78.27 (249A).

"Health homes" means a service model that facilitates access to an interdisciplinary array of medical care, behavioral health care, and community-based social services and supports for both children and adults with chronic conditions. Services may include comprehensive care management; care coordination and health promotion; comprehensive transitional care from inpatient to other settings, including appropriate follow-up; individual and family support, which includes authorized representatives; referral to community and social support services, if relevant; and the use of health information technology to link services, as feasible and appropriate.

"Home and vehicle modification" means a service that provides physical modifications to the home or vehicle that directly address the medical health or remedial needs of the individual and that are necessary to provide for the health, welfare, and safety of the individual and to increase or maintain independence.

"Home health aide services" means unskilled medical services which provide direct personal care. This service may include assistance with activities of daily living, such as helping the recipient to bathe, get in and out of bed, care for hair and teeth, exercise, and take medications specifically ordered by the physician.

"Homeless" means the same as "homeless person" as defined in Iowa Code section 48A.2.

"Illness management and recovery" means a broad set of strategies designed to help individuals with serious mental illness collaborate with professionals, reduce the individuals' susceptibility to the illness, and cope effectively with the individuals' symptoms consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Individual" means any person seeking or receiving services in a regional service system.

"Individual supported employment" means services including ongoing supports needed by an individual to acquire and maintain a job in the integrated workforce at or above the state's minimum wage. The outcome of this service is sustained paid employment that meets personal and career goals.

"Intake assessment" means the process used with an individual to collect information related to the individual's history, needs, strengths, and abilities for the purpose of determining the individual's need for comprehensive assessment, appropriate services or referral.

"Integrated treatment for co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders" means effective dual diagnosis programs that combine mental health and substance abuse interventions tailored for the complex needs of individuals with co-morbid disorders. Critical components of effective programs include a comprehensive, long-term, staged approach to recovery; assertive outreach; motivational interviews; provision of help to individuals in acquiring skills and supports to manage both illnesses and pursue functional goals with cultural sensitivity and competence consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Intensive residential service homes" or "intensive residential services" means intensive, community based services provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to individuals with a severe and persistent mental illness who have functional impairments and may also have multi-occurring conditions. Providers of intensive residential service homes are enrolled with Medicaid as providers of HCBS habilitation or HCBS intellectual disability waiver supported community living and meet additional criteria specified in subrule 25.6(8).

"Job development" means services that assist individuals in preparing for, securing and maintaining gainful, competitive employment. Employment shall be integrated into normalized work settings, shall provide pay of at least minimum wage, and shall be based on the individual's skills, preferences, abilities, and talents. Services assist individuals seeking employment to develop or re-establish skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, work behaviors, and functional capacities to achieve positive employment outcomes.

"Medical assistance program" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 249A.2.

"Medication management" means services provided directly to or on behalf of the individual by a licensed professional as authorized by Iowa law including, but not limited to, monitoring effectiveness of and compliance with a medication regimen; coordination with care providers; investigating potentially negative or unintended psychopharmacologic or medical interactions; reviewing laboratory reports; and activities pursuant to licensed prescriber orders.

"Medication prescribing" means services with the individual present provided by an appropriately licensed professional as authorized by Iowa law including, but not limited to, determining how the medication is affecting the individual; determining any drug interactions or adverse drug effects on the individual; determining the proper dosage level; and prescribing medication for the individual for the period of time before the individual is seen again.

"Mental health inpatient treatment" or "behavioral health inpatient treatment" means inpatient psychiatric services to treat an acute psychiatric condition that are provided in a licensed hospital with a psychiatric unit or a licensed freestanding psychiatric hospital.

"Mental health outpatient therapy" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 230A.106(2)"a."

"Mental health professional" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 228.1(7).

"Mobile response" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Multi-occurring conditions" means a diagnosis of a severe and persistent mental illness occurring along with one or more of the following: a physical health condition, a substance use disorder, an intellectual or developmental disability, or a brain injury.

"No reject, no eject" means that an individual who otherwise meets the eligibility criteria for a service shall not be denied access to that service or discharged from that service based on the severity or complexity of that individual's mental health and multi-occurring needs.

"Outpatient competency restoration" means a community-based service to restore competency for individuals found by a court not to pose a danger to the public but to be incompetent to stand trial. The service includes components such as psychiatric prescribing and medication management, mental health and substance use disorder treatment services, competency education, and service coordination.

"Peer support services" means a program provided by a peer support specialist including but not limited to education and information, individual advocacy, family support groups, crisis response, and respite to assist individuals in achieving stability in the community.

"Peer support specialist" means an individual who has experienced a severe and persistent mental illness and who has successfully completed standardized training to provide peer support services through the medical assistance program.

"Permanent supportive housing" means voluntary, flexible supports to help individuals with psychiatric disabilities choose, get, and keep housing that is decent, safe, affordable, and integrated into the community. Tenants have access to an array of services that help them keep their housing, such as case management, assistance with daily activities, conflict resolution, and crisis response consistent with evidence-based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Personal emergency response system" means an electronic device connected to a 24-hour staffed system which allows the individual to access assistance in the event of an emergency.

"Precariously housed" means that a person does not have a permanent household and is living day-today in a motel, in a vehicle, with family or friends, or in some other temporary location.

"Prescreening assessment" means a face-to-face clinical interview to ascertain an individual's current and previous level of functioning, potential for dangerousness, physical health, and psychiatric and medical condition.

"Prevention" means efforts to increase awareness and understanding of the causes and nature of conditions or situations which affect an individual's functioning in society. Prevention activities are designed to convey information about the cause of conditions, situations, or problems that interfere with an individual's functioning or ways in which that information can be used to prevent their occurrence or reduce their effect and may include, but are not limited to, training events, webinars, presentations, and public meetings.

"Prevocational services" means services that focus on developing generalized skills that prepare an individual for employment. Prevocational training topics include but are not limited to attendance, safety skills, following directions, and staying on task.

"Reasonably close proximity" means a distance of 100 miles or less or a driving distance of two hours or less from the county seat or county seats of the region.

"Region" means a mental health and disability service region that operates as the "'regional administrator' or 'regional administrative entity'" as defined in rule 441-25.11 (225C).

"Respite" means a temporary period of relief and support for individuals and their families provided in a variety of settings. The intent is to provide a safe environment with staff assistance for individuals who lack an adequate support system to address current issues related to a disability. Respite may be provided for a defined period of time; respite is either planned or provided in response to a crisis.

"Routine care" means care which is not urgent or emergent in nature and can wait for a regularly scheduled appointment without risk to the individual. A condition requiring routine care is not likely to substantially worsen without immediate intervention.

"Rural" means any area that is not defined as urban.

"Serious emotional disturbance" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 225C.2.

"Severe and persistent mental illness" or "SPMI" means a documented primary mental health disorder diagnosed by a mental health professional that causes symptoms and impairments in basic mental and behavioral processes that produce distress and major functional disability in adult role functioning inclusive of social, personal, family, educational or vocational roles. The individual has a degree of impairment arising from a psychiatric disorder such that:

(1) the individual does not have the resources or skills necessary to maintain function in the home or community environment without assistance or support;
(2) the individual's judgment, impulse control, or cognitive perceptual abilities are compromised;
(3) the individual exhibits significant impairment in social, interpersonal, or familial functioning; and
(4) the individual has a documented mental health diagnosis. For this purpose, a "mental health diagnosis" means a disorder, dysfunction, or dysphoria diagnosed pursuant to the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association (published 2013, with all changes and updates approved by the American Psychiatric Association through September 2023 incorporated herein), excluding neurodevelopmental disorders, substance use disorders, personality disorders, medication-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of medication, and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention as defined in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association (published 2013, with all changes and updates approved by the American Psychiatric Association through September 2023 incorporated herein).

"Subacute mental health services" means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 225C.6(4)"c" and includes both subacute facility-based services and subacute community-based services.

"Substance use disorder" means the same as defined in rule 641-155.1 (125,135).

"Supported community living services" means services as defined in Iowa Code section 225C.21(1).

"Supported employment" means an approach to helping individuals participate as much as possible in competitive work in integrated work settings that are consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice of the individuals. Services are targeted for individuals with significant disabilities for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred; or for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability including either individual or group supported employment, or both, consistent with evidence based practice standards published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

"Trauma-focused services" means services provided by caregivers and professionals that recognize when an individual who has been exposed to violence is in need of help to recover from adverse impacts; recognize and understand the impact that exposure to violence has on victims' physical, psychological, and psychosocial development and well-being; and respond by helping in ways that reflect awareness of adverse impacts and consistently support the individual's recovery.

"Trauma-informed care" means services that are based on an understanding of the vulnerabilities or triggers of those who have experienced violence, that recognize the role violence has played in the lives of those individuals, that are supportive of recovery, and that avoid retraumatization including trauma-focused services and trauma-specific treatment.

"Trauma-specific treatment" means services provided by a mental health professional using therapies that are free from the use of coercion, restraints, seclusion and isolation; and designed specifically to promote recovery from the adverse impacts of violence exposure on physical, psychological, psychosocial development, health and well-being.

"Twenty-four-hour crisis response" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Twenty-three-hour observation and holding" means the same as defined in rule 441-24.20 (225C).

"Urban" means a county that has a total population of 50,000 or more residents or includes a city with a population of 20,000 or more.

"Urgent" means the existence of conditions that are not emergent in nature but that require expeditious treatment because of the prospect of the condition worsening without immediate intervention.

"Warm handoff" means an approach to care transitions in which a health care provider uses face-to-face or telephone contact to directly link individuals being treated to other providers or specialists.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 441-25.1

ARC 1096C, IAB 10/16/2013, effective 11/20/2013
Amended by IAB January 2, 2019/Volume XLI, Number 14, effective 3/1/2019
Amended by IAB February 12, 2020/Volume XLII, Number 17, effective 3/18/2020
Amended by IAB November 2, 2022/Volume XLV, Number 9, effective 1/1/2023
Amended by IAB July 10, 2024/Volume XLVII, Number 1, effective 8/14/2024