For the purpose of these rules, unless context otherwise requires:
"Community action agency" or"eligible entity" means any organization which was officially recognized as a community action agency under the provisions of Section 673(1) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, Title VI, Subtitle B, as amended, and Iowa Code sections 216A.91 and 216A.93.
"CSBG" means community services block grant program.
"CSBG Act" means the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, Title VI, Subtitle B, as amended.
"DCAA" means the division of community action agencies of the department of human rights.
"Program year" means the year beginning October 1 and ending the succeeding September 30. The program year is numbered for that year in which it ends.
"Reduction" means funding reduced below the proportional share of funding the eligible entity received in the previous program year.
"Termination" means permanent withdrawal of the eligible entity's authority to obligate funds before that authority would otherwise expire. If an eligible entity's authority to obligate funds is terminated, no funds may be obligated by the eligible entity after the effective date of the termination.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-21.1