Iowa Admin. Code r. 351-4.7

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 351-4.7 - Disclosure reporting required; information on initial report; minimum filing if no activity
(1)Disclosure reporting required. Every committee that has filed a statement of organization under Iowa Code section 68A.201 and rule 351-4.1 (68A,68B), has exceeded the financial activity threshold set out in Iowa Code section 68A. 102(5)or (18) prior to the cutoff date for reporting campaign transactions, or has made an independent expenditure shall file a campaign disclosure report pursuant to Iowa Code section 68A.402. Form Ind-Exp-0 shall serve as a campaign disclosure report for an independent expenditure committee. Form Ind-Exp-I shall serve as a campaign disclosure report for a sole individual making an independent expenditure.
(2)Information on initial report. The first disclosure report filed by a committee shall include the relevant financial information covering the period from the beginning of the committee's financial activity through the end of the current reporting period.
(3)Funds available from prior committee. If funds are available to a candidate's committee from a prior candidacy of that candidate, or to a ballot issue committee from a prior effort on a ballot issue, and the prior candidacy or effort had not exceeded the financial reporting threshold, the carryover balance shall be disclosed by the new committee. The disclosure shall be made on Schedule A - Contributions and shall include the amount of the carryover, the date of the prior election, and the name and address of any source that made contributions to the candidacy or ballot effort that totaled more than $1,000 during the preceding three calendar years.
(4)Funds available from prehallot issue activity. Funds that are raised for an activity that is not included in the definition of aballot issue in Iowa Code section 68A. 102(1) and that are made available to a subsequent ballot issue committee shall be disclosed by the committee. The disclosure shall be made on Schedule A - Contributions and shall include the amount of the carryover balance, the date of the preballot issue activity, and the name and address of any source that made contributions to the activity that totaled more than $1,000 during the previous three calendar years.
(5)No financial activity during reporting period. A committee that did not have any financial activity during the relevant reporting period for which a disclosure report is due shall be required to file only Form DR-2. However, if the committee had previously disclosed debts or loans, those obligations shall again be disclosed on either Schedule D - Incurred Indebtedness or Schedule F - Loans Received and Repaid, as appropriate, and the schedule or schedules shall be included with Form DR-2. A candidate's committee that has reportable campaign property under Iowa Code Supplement section 68A.304 shall disclose the property on Schedule H - Campaign Property and the schedule shall be included with Form DR-2.

This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 68A.402.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 351-4.7

ARC 8826B, lAB 6/2/10, effective 5/17/10
Amended by IAB March 24, 2021/Volume XLIII, Number 20, effective 4/28/2021