Iowa Admin. Code r. 283-1.2
Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 283-1.2 - Organization and operations(1)Location. The commission is located at 400 E. 14th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0146; telephone 877.272.4456; Internet site Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and on official state holidays designated in accordance with state law.(2)The commission. The commission consists of 15 members and functions under the leadership of a chairperson elected by the membership. Nine members are appointed by the governor to serve four-year terms. Four of the governor's appointees represent the general public, one represents parents of Iowa postsecondary students, one represents practitioners licensed under Iowa Code chapter 272, one represents Iowa independent colleges and universities, one represents Iowa community colleges, and one represents Iowa postsecondary students. One member is appointed by the board of regents. The president of the senate, the minority leader of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the minority leader of the house of representatives each appoint one ex officio, nonvoting commission member. The director of the department of education serves as a continuous member of the commission and may appoint a designee to represent the department of education.(3)Meetings. The commission shall meet at regular intervals at least six times annually, but not more than eight times in person annually.a. The chairperson of the commission presides at each meeting. Members of the public may be recognized at the discretion of the chairperson. All meetings are open to the public in accordance with the open meetings law, Iowa Code chapter 21.b. The commission shall give advance public notice of the time and place of each commission meeting. The notice will include the specific date, time, and place of the meeting.c. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting members of the commission. When a quorum is present, a position is carried by an affirmative vote of the majority of commission members eligible to vote.d. A specific time is set aside at each meeting for the public to address the commission. As a general guideline, a limit of five minutes will be allocated for each of these presentations. If a large group seeks to address a specific issue, the chairperson may limit the number of speakers. Members of the public who wish to address the commission during this portion of the meeting are required to notify the commission's administrative secretary prior to the meeting. The person's name and the subject of the person's remarks must be provided. To accommodate maximum public participation, members of the public are encouraged to submit requests at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.(4)Minutes. The minutes of all commission meetings are recorded and kept by the executive director in the commission office. Upon approval by the commission, minutes are posted on the commission's Internet site.(5)Records. The records of all business transacted and other information with respect to the operation of the commission are public records and are on file in the commission office. All records, except statements specified as confidential under these rules, are available for inspection during regular business hours. Copies of records up to 25 pages in number may be obtained without charge. The cost of reproduction will be charged for pages in excess of 25. Digital media will be provided for a fee equal to the cost of the physical device provided. The charge may be waived by the executive director.(6)Submission and requests. Inquiries, submissions, petitions, and other requests directed to the commission may be made by letter addressed to the executive director at the address listed in subrule 1.2(1). Any person may petition for a written or oral hearing before the commission. All requests for a hearing must be in writing and state the specific subject to be discussed and the reasons a personal appearance is necessary if one is requested.(7)Advisory councils. Rescinded IAB 2/19/14, effective 3/26/14.Iowa Admin. Code r. 283-1.2
ARC 9391B, IAB 2/23/11, effective 3/30/11; ARC 1318C, IAB 2/19/2014, effective 3/26/2014Amended by IAB March 28, 2018/Volume XL, Number 20, effective 5/2/2018Amended by IAB June 20, 2018/Volume XL, Number 26, effective 7/25/2018Amended by IAB March 27, 2019/Volume XLI, Number 20, effective 5/1/2019Editorial change: IAC Supplement 4/3/2024