The board shall assist in the development and completion of public construction projects relating to disaster relief and mitigation and to local infrastructure by overseeing and providing approval of the administration of a local infrastructure competitive grant program, as set forth herein.
In order to be eligible for funding, proposals must score at least 20 points on this criterion.
* Efficient and effective use of land resources and existing infrastructure by encouraging compact development in areas with existing infrastructure or capacity to avoid costly duplication of services and costly use of land; conservation of open space and farmland and preservation of critical environmental areas; and promotion of the safety, livability, and revitalization of existing urban and rural communities. Compact development maximizes public infrastructure investment and promotes mixed uses, greater density, bicycle and pedestrian networks, and interconnection with the existing street grid.
* Provision for a variety of transportation choices, including public transit and pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
* Construction and promotion of developments, buildings, and infrastructure that conserve natural resources by reducing waste and pollution through efficient use of land, energy, water, and materials.
* Capture, retention, infiltration and harvesting of rainfall using storm water best management practices such as permeable pavement, bioretention cells, bioswales, and rain gardens to protect water resources.
* The extent to which project design, construction, and use incorporate renewable energy sources including, but not limited to, solar, wind, geothermal, and biofuels, and support the following state of Iowa plans and goals:
Iowa Admin. Code r. 265-32.4