"Authority" means the economic development authority created in Iowa Code section 15.105.
"Authority's website" means the information and related content found at www.iowaeda.com and may include integrated content at affiliate sites.
"Board" means the members of the economic development authority appointed by the governor and in whom the powers of the authority are vested pursuant to Iowa Code section 15.105.
"Borrower" means a business that is approved for a loan by a lender and that has applied for assistance under the program.
"Director" means the director of the authority.
"Iowa finance authority" means the public instrumentality and agency of the state created by Iowa Code section 16.1A.
"Lender" means a federally insured financial lending institution that issued a loan to a borrower.
"Program" means the downtown loan guarantee program established pursuant to this chapter.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 261-36.2