Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-90.23
Bulk grain in storage shall be stored in such a manner that the amount of grain in the storage facility can be readily determined. A product other than bulk grain shall be stored in such a manner that it can be readily inspected and the amount and kind thereof determined. The maintenance, conditioning, care, or surveillance shall be given to stored products as is required to maintain the quality, grade, and safe storage of the products. Nothing shall be placed or stored in a licensed facility that will in any way contaminate the stored products or cause any degrading of grade or value. Storage facilities shall not be overfilled. There shall be sufficient overhead airspace to provide adequate ventilation and to allow the examiner to readily determine the quality and quantity of the grain. The bureau chief may require the installation of overhead ventilation fans in facilities when in the bureau chief's judgment such fans are needed to preserve the quality of stored products. The bureau chief may require the installation of aeration equipment in storage facilities when it is deemed necessary to preserve the quality of stored products.
This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code sections 203C.2, 203C.8 and 203C.16.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-90.23