Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-77.1
"Agricultural animal" means any of the following:
"Agricultural animal" does not mean a swine which is a member of the species sus scrofa Linnaeus, including but not limited to swine commonly known as Russian boar or European boar of either sex.
"Dangerous wild animal" means any of the following:
* A member of the family varanidae, which are limited to water monitors and crocodile monitors.
* A member of the family atractaspidae, including but not limited to mole vipers and burrowing asps.
* A member of the family helodermatidae, including but not limited to beaded lizards and gila monsters.
* A member of the family elapidae, voperidae, crotalidae, atractaspidae, or hydrophidae which are venomous, including but not limited to cobras, mambas, coral snakes, kraits, adders, vipers, rattlesnakes, copperheads, pit vipers, keelbacks, cottonmouths, and sea snakes.
* A member of the superfamily henophidia, which are limited to reticulated pythons, anacondas, and African rock pythons.
"Dangerous wild animal" includes an animal which is the offspring of an animal listed in paragraphs "1" to "11" and another animal listed in those paragraphs or any other animal. It also includes animals which are the offspring of each subsequent generation. However, a dangerous wild animal does not include the offspring of a domestic dog and a wolf, or the offspring from each subsequent generation in which at least one parent is a domestic dog. A dangerous wild animal does not include the offspring of a domestic cat and another member of the family felidae classified as a bengal or savannah as long as the bengal or savannah is the fourth or later filial generation of offspring.
"Department" means the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship.
"Possess " means to own, keep, or control a dangerous wild animal, or supervise or provide for the care and feeding of a dangerous wild animal, including any activity relating to confining, handling, breeding, transporting, or exhibiting the dangerous wild animal.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-77.1