Rule 905 IAC 1-37 - Permit Violation Procedures
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-1 - Initiation of permit violation proceedings
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-2 - Service of papers
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-3 - Appearance
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-4 - Filings
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-5 - Prehearing conference
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-6 - Conduct of prehearing conferences
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-7 - Time and place of violation hearings
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-8 - Subpoenas; discovery orders; protective orders
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-9 - Failure to appear
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-10 - Conduct of hearings
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-11 - Evidence
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-12 - Proposed orders
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-13 - Issuance of final orders by the commission
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-14 - Modification of final orders and stays
- Section 905 IAC 1-37-15 - Penalties