Rule 876 IAC 7-2 - Sponsors of Courses; Approval
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-1 - Scope of rule
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-2 - "Continuing education year" defined
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-3 - "Course" defined
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-4 - "Sponsor" defined
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-5 - Sponsors; approval
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-6 - Application for sponsor of continuing education courses
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-7 - Significant changes
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-8 - Course availability
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-9 - Sponsor renewal
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-10 - Facilities
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-11 - School directors
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-12 - Instructors; compliance with rule required
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-13 - Sponsor approval date
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-14 - Course outline
- Section 876 IAC 7-2-15 - Record retention