Rule 828 IAC 3-1 - General Requirements
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-1 - Application; general requirements
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-2 - General anesthesia-deep sedation permit
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-3 - Training and education programs for general anesthesia and deep sedation
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-4 - Light parenteral conscious sedation permit
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-5 - Training and education programs in light parenteral conscious sedation
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-6 - Required emergency equipment (Repealed)
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-6.1 - Standard of care; light parenteral conscious sedation
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-6.5 - Standard of care; general anesthesia and deep sedation
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-7 - Renewal and reinstatement
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-7.5 - Renewal of permit; continuing education
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-8 - Mandatory reporting (Repealed)
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-9 - Display of permit; additional locations; violations
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-10 - Required emergency equipment; general anesthesia and deep sedation
- Section 828 IAC 3-1-11 - Required emergency equipment; light parenteral conscious sedation