Rule 68 IAC 24-4 - Professional Boxing
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-1 - Weight classes
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-2 - Length of bouts
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-3 - Fighting area requirements
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-4 - Uniform and equipment
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-5 - Hand wraps
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-6 - Boxing gloves
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-7 - Corner men
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-8 - Referees
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-9 - Timekeepers
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-10 - Fouls
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-11 - Foul procedures
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-12 - Procedures for dislodged mouthpiece
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-13 - Scoring system
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-14 - Knockdown procedures
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-15 - Bout results
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-16 - Exhibition bout
- Section 68 IAC 24-4-17 - Rest period