Rule 480 IAC 1-1 - Investigation; Review; Determination; Appeal
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-1 - Definitions (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-2 - Authority; purpose (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-3 - Filing claims (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-4 - Determination of eligibility (Repealed)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-4.1 - Determination of eligibility (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-5 - Investigation of claims; notice of determinations (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-6 - Hearings (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-7 - Attorneys; representation (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-8 - Subpoenas, subpoenas duces tecum, depositions (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-9 - Awards (Expired)
- Section 480 IAC 1-1-10 - Appeals; board review (Expired)