Rule 470 IAC 4-2 - Placement of Crippled Children
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-1 - State plan for crippled children's service (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-2 - Crippled children's program; legal base; responsibility of county departments; state and federal funds (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-3 - Child eligible for services for crippled children; definition; exceptions (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-4 - Purposes of crippled children's services; administration; supervision; medical director (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-5 - The application process (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-6 - Right to apply (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-7 - Initial interview; information provided to and obtained from applicant (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-8 - Application; notification of changes; registration and assignment (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-9 - Eligibility study (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-10 - Verification of age; delay in county action (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-11 - Residence and verification of residence (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-12 - Medical information (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-13 - County action on application (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-14 - State action on application (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-15 - Continuing eligibility; specialized medical supervision; reevaluation; changes; supplemental application; closure (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-16 - Re-application (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-17 - Transfer procedure for referrals from another Indiana county (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-18 - Right of appeal (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-19 - Confidentiality (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-20 - Indiana University Medical Center or Indianapolis Methodist Hospital (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-21 - Forms used for authorizing payment of services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-22 - County obligation; effective date for payment of services; individual record; auditing claim; form; payment of fees and charges (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-23 - Financial eligibility (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-24 - Resources available for payment (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-25 - Guide for computation of monthly net income as standard of eligibility (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-26 - Exclusions from income (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-27 - Partial payment agreements (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-28 - Medical eligibility (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-29 - Examples of condition that would or would not be within scope of services provided (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-30 - Diagnostic services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-31 - Authorized diagnostic and treatment services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-32 - Congenital heart (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-33 - Residential speech and hearing clinic at Indiana University, Bloomington (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-34 - Federal funds for regional treatment centers; area child amputee center (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-35 - Medical care in local community (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-36 - Prescriptions (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-37 - Dental program (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-38 - Special appliances and equipment; equipment loan pool program (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-39 - Audio and speech therapy (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-40 - Physical and occupational therapy (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-41 - Transportation, meals, lodging allowances (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-42 - Nursing or boarding home center (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-43 - Nurse consultant (RNC) (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-44 - Medical social work consultant services (Transferred)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-45 - Index card; DPW form 3 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-46 - Crippled children's desk card; DPW form 74-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-47 - Report of services furnished; DPW forms 174, 175, 175A (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-48 - Authorization for transportation; DPW form 515 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-49 - Social summary; SDPW form 516 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-50 - County credentials cover letter; DPW form 521-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-51 - Notice of approval for state payment; SDPW form 526 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-52 - Request for clinic appointments; DPW form 540-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-53 - Budget for services for crippled children; DPW form 553-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-54 - Written agreement of parent, guardian or custodian to make partial repayment of cost of care; DPW form 557-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-55 - Application and action; services for crippled children; DPW form 576-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-56 - Authorization for payment of medical examination of person named in application for services; DPW form 577-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-57 - Physician's report to medical director and treatment center; DPW form 578-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-58 - Notice of discharge from services for crippled children; SDPW form 580-CR (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-59 - Crippled children memorandum of prescribed services; SDPW form 582 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-60 - Education of handicapped child; application for dormitory care; DPW form 586 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-61 - Request for recommendation for payment of services; DPW form 590 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-62 - Register of applications and requests for services for crippled children; DPW form 621 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-63 - Food stamp budget; form FS 1 B (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-64 - Diagnostic report; SDPW form 584 (Repealed)
- Section 470 IAC 4-2-65 - Eligibility status of patients with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (Transferred)