Authority: IC 12-9-2-3; IC 12-11-1.1-9; IC 12-11-2.1-12
Affected: IC 12-11-1.1; IC 12-11-2.1
Sec. 41.1.
"PRN" means pro re nata as needed; as the circumstances require when used in writing a prescription.
460 IAC 6-3-41.1
Authority: IC 12-9-2-3; IC 12-11-1.1-9; IC 12-11-2.1-12
Affected: IC 12-11-1.1; IC 12-11-2.1
Sec. 41.1.
"PRN" means pro re nata as needed; as the circumstances require when used in writing a prescription.
460 IAC 6-3-41.1