Authority: IC 12-8-8.5-4; IC 12-9-2-3; IC 12-9-5-1; IC 12-9-5-3
Affected: IC 12-9-5; IC 12-12-1
Sec. 2.
An eligible individual owns a tool, equipment, medical and assistive technology device, or other tangible good upon receipt if it is:
(1) purchased, in part, by the eligible individual or the eligible individual's family;(2) provided for the eligible individual entirely through comparable services and benefits providers;(3) a medical or assistive technology device made to meet the specific needs of the eligible individual; or(4) purchased for a small business operation employment outcome and needed as collateral for a small business loan. Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services; 460 IAC 14-22-2; filed 7/13/2015, 4:09 p.m.: 20150812-IR-460140507FRAReadopted filed 8/18/2021, 10:01 a.m.: 20210915-IR-460210198RFA