Section 45 IAC 16-1.5-7 - PetitionsAuthority: IC 8-2.1-18-6
Affected: IC 8-2.1-18
Sec. 7.
(a) In addition to the matters required by 170 IAC 1-1.2-4 petitions shall contain: (1) a plain and concise statement of the facts showing the interest of the petitioner, or each of the petitioners, in the matters involved in the proceeding; (2) a plain and concise statement of the facts which are deemed to necessitate or justify relief; (3) a reference to these statutes by which the commission has jurisdiction and sections thereof or rules of the commission which are deemed applicable; and (4) specific prayers for the relief which is deemed appropriate. (b) The caption of the petition shall describe in general terms all the relief being sought in the petition. (c) A petition shall comply with the requirements of the statute under which it is filed. (d) A petition to the commission for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a regulation shall set forth clearly and concisely the interest of the petitioner in the subject matter, the specific regulation, amendment, or repeal requested, and shall cite by appropriate reference the statutory provision or other authority thereof. Such petition shall set forth the purpose of, and the facts claimed to constitute the grounds requiring such regulation, amendment, or repeal. Petitions for the issuance or amendment of a regulation shall incorporate the proposed regulation or amendment. Department of State Revenue; 45 IAC 16-1.5-7; filed Oct 21, 1986, 10:37 am: 10 IR 385Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ( 170 IAC 1-1.2-7) to the Department of State Revenue ( 45 IAC 16-1.5-7) by P.L. 72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.