Section 45 IAC 16-1.5-3 - Appearances and attorneysAuthority: IC 8-2.1-18-6
Affected: IC 8-2.1-18
Sec. 3.
(a) Any person may appear and represent his or her own interest before the commission. The interest of another person or entity shall be represented only by an attorney authorized to practice before the commission, pursuant to this section. (b)(1) Any attorney admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the state of Indiana, and in good standing, may practice in all proceedings before the commission. (2) Upon verified written application to the commission, an attorney admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, or the highest court of any other state of the United States, and in good standing, may be admitted to practice before the commission. Pending approval of such application, an attorney may be permitted to appear, at the discretion of a presiding officer at any hearing. (c) Any withdrawal of appearance by an attorney on behalf of any party shall be in writing and by leave of the presiding officer. Permission to withdraw shall be given only after the withdrawing attorney has given his client ten (10) days written notice of his intent to withdraw and has filed a copy of that letter with the commission; or upon simultaneous entering of appearance by new counsel for the party. The letter of intent to withdraw shall inform the client of any upcoming hearing date and explain that failure to secure new counsel may result in the party being unrepresented at hearing and for a petitioner or complainant may result in dismissal of its case. In no event will the presiding officer grant a request for withdrawal of appearance unless the request has been filed with the commission at least ten (10) days prior to any hearing date, except for good cause shown. Department of State Revenue; 45 IAC 16-1.5-3; filed Oct 21, 1986, 10:37 am: 10 IR 383Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ( 170 IAC 1-1.2-3) to the Department of State Revenue ( 45 IAC 16-1.5-3) by P.L. 72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.