Section 45 IAC 16-1.5-1 - Application and scope; definitionsAuthority: IC 8-2.1-18-6
Affected: IC 8-2
Sec. 1.
(a) These rules (170 IAC 1.2 [sic., 170 IAC 1-1.2 ]) shall govern the practices and procedure in matters before the public service commission of Indiana, arising under Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Indiana conferring powers and duties upon said commission, IC 8-2, et. seq. These rules shall supersede totally 170 IAC 1-1. (b)(1) "Commission" means the public service commission of Indiana. (2) "Applicant" means any person or entity filing an application for a certificate or permit with the commission. (3) "Protestant" means any person or entity opposed to the relief sought by any applicant, who has notified the commission and the applicant of its intention to appear at least five (5) days prior to the date of the hearing. (4) "Interested party" means any person interested in such proceeding who may appear in person or by attorney and offer evidence in support of or in opposition to the relief requested. An interested party need not be represented by an attorney, and he/she is not entitled to cross-examine any witnesses. (5) "Presiding officer" means any member of the commission or administrative law judge empowered to conduct proceedings before the commission. (6) "Complainant" means any person or entity who initiates a formal complaint against any carrier pursuant to IC 8-2 et. seq. (7) "Respondent" means any person or entity who must respond to any order of the commission, or against whom a proceeding or investigation is initiated. (8) "Pleading" means any application, petition, protest, answer, reply, motion or other similar document filed to initiate or in the course of any proceeding before the commission. Department of State Revenue; 45 IAC 16-1.5-1; filed Oct 21, 1986, 10:37 am: 10 IR 382Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ( 170 IAC 1-1.2-1) to the Department of State Revenue ( 45 IAC 16-1.5-1) by P.L. 72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.