Rule 410 IAC 1-6 - Offering of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Information and Counseling and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-1 - Applicability
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-2 - "Department" defined
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-3 - "Prenatal care provider" defined
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-4 - Human immunodeficiency virus information and counseling to a pregnant patient
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-5 - Reasons for not obtaining a human immunodeficiency virus test
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-6 - Human immunodeficiency virus test
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-7 - Documentation
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-7.1 - Newborn testing in the event of maternal refusal
- Section 410 IAC 1-6-8 - Compliance