365 Ind. Admin. Code 2-1-20

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 365 IAC 2-1-20 - Payment for milk based on tests other than the Babcock test; approval of agreement

Authority: IC 15-18-2

Affected: IC 15-18-2-14; IC 15-18-2-17

Sec. 20.

Whenever considering new equipment for testing for butterfat or other components in milk, the testing agency must notify the creamery license division at least ninety (90) days prior to beginning use of the new equipment and must obtain permission from the creamery license division to use the new equipment for pay testing of milk of Indiana producers. The following provisions must be observed in using equipment other than the Babcock test:

(1) At the beginning of each testing day, the following items must be checked and recorded:
(A) Check the machine for zero (0) setting as prescribed in the operator's manual.
(B) For infrared and similar testing equipment, at least four (4) standards of the components being used for pay purposes must be tested to check calibration daily. When butterfat is the only component used as the basis for payment, the calibration check of the instrument must include butterfat and protein. The average variation between the test result of the testing instrument and the known values of the standards must not exceed three-hundredths percent (0.03%). The four (4) standard samples must cover at least the lowest and highest tests expected on the producer milk.
(C) During the use of the milk testing instruments, on a daily basis, a sample of homogenized milk shall be tested on the instruments at least once each hour of operation and the results shall be recorded on the permanent record of tests. If at any time during the testing day there is variation of more than three-hundredths percent (0.03%) from the original test on the homogenized milk sample, the testing instrument must be thoroughly rinsed and checked for zero (0) setting. At least three (3) standard samples must then be tested, and, if tests vary more than three-hundredths percent (0.03%) from the standards, the testing instrument must be recalibrated or repaired if recalibration cannot bring the instrument into compliance.
(D) If at any time the testing instrument is recalibrated, the procedures from clauses (A) and (B) must be repeated.
(2) A record of all tests run (where payment to producer is involved) and all adjustments made on the milk testing equipment must be held for ninety (90) days. The records must indicate the licensed tester performing the tests and adjustments made.
(3) It is the responsibility of the licensed tester to determine that the milk testing instrument is operating correctly. If at any time the licensed tester believes the results obtained are not accurate, all further testing must be stopped and corrective measures taken.
(4) All samples to be tested must be tempered to one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit.

365 IAC 2-1-20

Creamery Examining Board; 365 IAC 2-1-20; filed Jun 20, 2001, 3:50 p.m.: 24 IR 3625; readopted filed Jul 15, 2008, 12:53 p.m.: 20080813-IR-365080121RFA
Readopted filed 10/23/2014, 11:08 a.m.: 20141119-IR-365140351RFA
Readopted filed 11/23/2020, 1:34 p.m.: 20201223-IR-365200088RFA