Authority: IC 15-17-3-21
Affected: IC 15-17-3-13
Sec. 1.
The following definitions apply throughout this rule:
If a change in destination becomes necessary, a new permit must be prepared. No diversion from the permitted destination is allowed. Distribution of the copies is printed on the official document and must be followed.
For brucellosis eradication purposes, groups of cattle, under multiple ownership on common premises, such as community pastures or grazing association units, shall also be considered as a herd. Such herds shall include all other groups of cattle owned by those persons unless the epidemiological investigation establishes that association has not occurred.
A similar plan for determining the true status of suspects and preventing exposure to brucellosis within the herd is also within the meaning of the term.
The board may accept variations when an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus infection is present. A diagnosis of suspect or reactor will then be accepted.
The board may accept variations when an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus is not present. A diagnosis of suspect will then be accepted.
The permit shall be prepared at the point of origin by a licensed, Category II accredited veterinarian, a representative of the board, or a designated official at a quarantined feedlot. A copy of this "S" brand permit shall be immediately sent to the state animal health official with the original accompanying the animals. The original shall be delivered at the destination and retained at that location for a minimum of six (6) months.
345 IAC 2-6-1