Rule 170 IAC 4-4.1 - Cogeneration and Alternate Energy Production Facilities
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-1 - Definitions
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-2 - Applicability
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-3 - Exemption
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-4 - Filing of rate data
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-5 - Obligation to purchase and sell
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-6 - Wheeling capacity and energy
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-7 - Interconnections; metering; costs
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-8 - Rates for energy purchase
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-9 - Rates for capacity purchase
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-10 - Filing of standard offer
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-11 - Filing of standard contracts
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-12 - Petitions for resolution of disputes
- Section 170 IAC 4-4.1-13 - Reporting requirements for proposed alternate energy production and cogeneration facilities