Subpart I - FEES
- Section 554.901 - Remittance
- Section 554.902 - Exemptions to the Requirement of Payment of Fees
- Section 554.903 - Bonded Charge Accounts
- Section 554.904 - Refunds
- Section 554.905 - Security Requirements
- Section 554.906 - Basis for Fees
- Section 554.907 - Supplemental Permit Fees
- Section 554.908 - Service Charge for Special Handling
- Section 554.909 - Fees for Buildings and Special Moves
- Section 554.910 - Fee for Engineering Inspections and Investigations
- Section 554.911 - Fees for Illinois State Police Escorts
- Section 554.912 - Special Categories of Fees (Repealed)
- Section 554.913 - Other Overweight Fees (Repealed)
- Section 554.914 - Fees for Round Trip and Repeat Move of Like Object Permits (Repealed)
- Section 554.915 - Fee Schedules (Tables 1, 2, and 3) (Repealed)
- Appendix A - Data Relative to Vehicles Authorized to Operate on Illinois Highways (Repealed)
- Appendix B - Legal Gross Weights of Vehicles and Combinations of Vehicles Authorized by Section 15-111, Illinois Vehicle Code (Repealed)
- Appendix C - Application Form BT 1928 (Repealed)
- Appendix D - Special Vehicle Movement Permit - Form BT 993 (Repealed)
- Appendix E - Form BT 750 (Repealed)
- Appendix F - Form BT 751 (Repealed)
- Appendix G - Application for Establishment of an Open Account with the Permit Section, Bureau of Traffic (Form BT 1932) (Repealed)
- Appendix H - Bond for Payment of Special Permit Fees and Charges to Illinois Department of Transportation for Movement of Vehicles of Excess Dimensions or Weight Over Illinois Highways (Form BT 1931) (Repealed)