- Section 1225.1200 - Effect of Suspension
- Section 1225.1205 - Supplement Required for Suspensions
- Section 1225.1210 - Contents of Supplement
- Section 1225.1215 - Additional Requirements for Consolidated Supplements
- Section 1225.1220 - Additional Requirements for Separate Suspension Supplements
- Section 1225.1225 - Extension of Suspension Period
- Section 1225.1230 - Suspended Matter Reissued Prior to Notice
- Section 1225.1235 - Changed Suspended Matter
- Section 1225.1240 - Reissuing Suspended Matter After Notice
- Section 1225.1245 - Postponement of Suspended Matter
- Section 1225.1250 - Changes and Cancellation During the Suspension Period
- Section 1225.1255 - Commission Vacates Suspension or Finds Suspended Matter Justified
- Section 1225.1260 - Suspended Matter Ordered Canceled
- Section 1225.1265 - Exemption from Volume Restrictions
- Section 1225.1270 - Reference to Commission Suspension Decisions
- Section 1225.1275 - Court Orders