Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89 § 406.17
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 406.17 - Nutrition and Mealsa) Food requirements for children between birth and the age of eating table food shall be geared to the individual needs of the child and determined by consultation with the parents. The facility shall provide one-third to two-thirds of the daily nutritional requirements, depending on the length and time of day of the child's stay. The main meal shall be nutritionally balanced conforming to age appropriate portions and variety as reflected in the Meal Pattern Charts, Appendices A and B.b) Children one year of age and older in attendance for more than 2 but less than 5 hours shall be served a mid-session snack consisting of one-half cup of pure fruit juice or full-strength canned or frozen fruit juice that contains at least 30 milligrams of Vitamin C per serving, or one to one-half cup of pasteurized milk, or one serving of citrus fruit.c) Children one year of age and older in attendance 5 to 10 hours shall be served at least one-third of their daily food requirements, which shall include a well-balanced, nutritive meal. Occasional picnic-type meals may be substituted for a main meal. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks consisting of fruit, fruit juice, or pasteurized milk (as prescribed under subsection (c)) shall be included. Children in attendance for over 10 hours shall be served food to provide at least two-thirds of their daily food requirements. Two meals and the supplemental snacks will meet this requirement. One of the meals may be breakfast or supper, depending on the time the child arrives or departs.d) Children under one year of age who are no longer drinking formula or breast milk shall be served whole milk unless low-fat milk is requested by the child's physician.e) Children shall be served small servings of bite-size pieces.f) All meals shall be suitable for children and prepared by methods designed to conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance.g) Children under 2 years of age shall not be fed whole berries, hard candies, raisins, corn kernels, raw carrots, whole grapes, hot dogs, nuts, seeds, popcorn, or raw peas, as these foods may cause choking.h) Cooked carrots, corn, peas and bananas may be served to infants only if mashed, grated or pureed.i) Hot dogs and raw carrots may be served to children between 2 and 3 years of age only if cut into short, thin strips. Up to 3 tbsp. of peanut butter may be served to children ages 3 through 5 if thinly spread on bread, crackers or other foods or if mixed with other foods.j) The caregiver may allow meals and snacks to be provided by the parent or legal guardian upon written agreement between the parent and caregiver. 1) Food brought into the facility shall have a label showing the child's name, the date, and the type of food.2) Potentially hazardous and perishable foods shall be refrigerated properly, and all foods shall be protected against contamination.3) Meals and snacks provided by the parent or legal guardian for his or her own children shall not be shared with other children.4) The caregiver shall inform the parent or legal guardian of the nutritional requirements of this Part.5) The caregiver shall have food available to supplement a child's food brought from home if that food is deficient in meeting the nutrient requirements of this Part.k) Drinking water shall be readily available to the children at all times.l) Mealtimes shall be pleasurable experiences for the child.1) There shall be enough time allowed for meals so the children can eat in an unhurried atmosphere.2) Children shall be encouraged but not forced to try new foods.3) Information provided by parents concerning the child's eating habits, food preferences, or special needs should be considered in planning menus.4) Food preferences and eating habits shall not be permitted to become a source of friction at mealtimes.5) Mealtimes should occur in a social atmosphere and afford children the close presence of an attentive adult.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, § 406.17
Amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 9137, effective June 20, 2008