Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89 § 149.105
Effective for dates of discharge on or after July 1, 2014:
In addition to terms elsewhere defined in this subchapter, terms relating to outlier adjustments are defined as follows:
"Claim outlier threshold" means the sum of the DRG base payment, as defined in Section 149.100(d) and the fixed loss threshold.
"Fixed loss threshold" means the Medicare fixed loss threshold in effect on October 1, 2012. The Department is authorized to update the "fixed loss threshold". Base rates must be updated within 12 months after the update.
"MDC" means major diagnostic category.
"Medicare CBSA" means the Core-Based Statistical Areas for a hospital's location effective in the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system at the beginning of the federal fiscal year starting three months prior to the calendar year during which the discharge occurred.
SOI adjustment factor" means for SOI 1, 0.8000; for SOI 2, 0.8000; for SOI 3, 0.9500; for SOI 4, 0.9500.
"Total covered charges" means the amount entered for revenue code 001 in column 53 (Total Charges) on the Uniform Billing Form (form CMMS 1450), or one of its electronic transaction equivalents.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 89, § 149.105
Amended at 19 Ill. Reg. 10674, effective July 1, 1995