- Section 920.10 - Definitions
- Section 920.15 - Incorporated and Referenced Materials
- Section 920.20 - Scope
- Section 920.30 - General Requirements
- Section 920.40 - Design Factors
- Section 920.50 - Location
- Section 920.60 - Drilled Wells in Unconsolidated Formations
- Section 920.70 - Drilled Well Construction in Consolidated Formations
- Section 920.80 - Special Type Wells
- Section 920.90 - Construction Materials and Other Requirements
- Section 920.100 - Finishing and Testing
- Section 920.110 - Non-Compliant Existing Wells
- Section 920.120 - Abandoned Wells
- Section 920.130 - Water Well Permit Requirements
- Section 920.140 - Administrative Hearings
- Section 920.150 - Designation of Agents of the Department
- Section 920.160 - Issuance of Water Well and Closed Loop Well Permits by Units of Local Government or Local Health Departments
- Section 920.170 - Monitoring Wells
- Section 920.180 - Closed Loop Wells
- Section 920.190 - Assurance of Potable Water Supply
- Section 920.200 - Closed Loop Well System Permit Requirements
- Section 920.210 - Examination for Closed Loop Well Contractor Certification and Fees
- Section 920.220 - Closed Loop Contractor Registration, Renewal and Fees
- Section 920.230 - Registered Closed Loop Well Contractor Responsibility
- Section 920.240 - Closed Loop Well Continuing Education Sessions
- Section 920.250 - Approval of Closed Loop Well Third Party Organizations
- Unconsolidated Formations: Oversized Drill Hole
- Unconsolidated Formations: Mechanically Driven Casing
- Gravel Pack Construction
- Creviced Formations: Earth Cover Less Than 30 Feet Thick
- Creviced Formations: Earth Mantle Cover Over 30 Feet Thick - Oversized Drill Hole
- Creviced Formations: Earth Cover Over 30 Feet Thick - Mechanically Driven Casing
- Bored or Dug Well - Well Not Finished With Buried Slab
- Bored or Dug Well - Buried Slab Construction
- Installation of a Driven Well
- Sealing an Abandoned Well - Extending into a Creviced Formation
- Sealing an Abandoned Dug or Bored Well
- Sealing an Abandoned Well Extending into More Than One Water Bearing Formation
- Sealing an Abandoned Buried Slab Bored Well
- Table A - Steel Casing and Liner Pipe Weights and Dimensions
- Table B - Plastic Casing and Liner Pipe Specifications
- Table C - Minimal Lateral Distances in Feet Between Water Wells, Closed-Loop Wells, and Sources of Contamination