Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77 § 635.30
"Agreement" means the written contract between the Department and delegate agency prepared by the Department and authorized by both parties.
"Delegate agency" means a public or private not-for-profit entity which provides family planning services under a negotiated written agreement with the Department.
"Family" means a social unit composed of one person, or two or more persons living together, as a household.
"Family planning services" means those medical, social, educational and referral services related to the avoidance, achievement, timing or spacing of pregnancy.
"Federal and State Regulations" governing Family Planning Services means printed regulations found in the following sources:
42 CFR Subpart B, 50.201 -50.209; 42 CFR, Subpart C, 50.301 -50.310; 45 CFR 16, 74, 80, 84 and 90.
"Low income family" means a family whose total annual income does not exceed 100 percent of the most recent DHHS Income Poverty Guidelines 54 FR 31, February 16, 1989.
"Marginal income family" means a family whose total annual income is above 100% and does not exceed 250% of the most recent DHHS Income Poverty Guidelines.
"Program Income" means gross income earned by a delegate agency and budgeted in the award period for activities described in the project and generated as a result of that delegate agency having received a grant from the Department. Such income shall include fees for services performed and proceeds from the usage or rental of equipment funded by the grant. Revenues received from taxes, levies, and fines are not considered program income. However, the receipt and expenditure of such revenues shall be recorded as part of the grant or subgrant project budget when such revenues are specifically earmarked for the project's Family Planning Program.
"Project Funds" means all sources of money related to the family planning services program and identified in the agency's family planning budget.
"Satisfactory Performance" means having met or exceeded the program objectives of serving a target population of which 85 percent of the unduplicated users are at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, as set by the state agency in their agreements with delegate agencies and meeting both the clinical and administrative indicators of the Bureau of Community Health Services (BCHS) of Common Reporting Requirements (BCRR).
"Underserved area" means geographic areas (county or Chicago Community Area) where less than 80 percent of the estimated number of women in need of family planning services are being served.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77, § 635.30
Amended at 14 Ill. Reg. 20783, effective January 1, 1991