Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77 § 385.1040
The terms survey, inspection and evaluation are synonymous. These terms refer to the overall examination of compliance with the Act and this Part. All facilities to which this Part applies shall be subject to and shall be deemed to have given consent to annual inspections, surveys, and evaluations by properly identified personnel of the Department, or by such other properly identified persons, including local health department staff, as the Department may designate. The licensee, or person representing the licensee in the facility, shall provide to the representative of the Department access and entry to the premises or facility for obtaining information required to carry out the Act and this Part. In addition, representatives of the Department shall have access to and may reproduce or photocopy at the Department's cost any books, records, and other documents maintained by the facility, the licensee, or their representatives to the extent necessary at a rate determined by the facility not to exceed the rate in the Department's Freedom of Information rules entitled "Freedom of Information Code" (77 Ill. Adm. Code 1126).
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77, § 385.1040