Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 1370.150 - Bouts and Contestsa) All licensed individuals, contestants and organizations associated with the contests shall be deemed to have knowledge of the applicable laws and rules of the State. Any questions or interpretations shall be referred to the representative of the Division. If an immediate decision is required, it shall be referred to the Division or its designee who shall make a determination on the matter. In the event a situation occurs at the contest and there are no regulations in place to cover the situation, the representative of the Division shall make a decision on the matter. The Division's or its designee's ruling shall be final. The authority of the Division and the inspectors shall be respected. No one shall interfere with the inspectors' duties, use foul language towards the inspectors, or make threats of physical harm toward the inspectors. Any interference, unprofessional conduct, use of foul language, or threats of physical harm towards the inspectors will be cause for disciplinary action.b) The Division shall approve each bout.c) No bout shall be advertised or promoted as a championship bout unless it has the specific approval of the Division.d) Contestants shall at all times abide by the Act and this Part.e) Contestants shall at all times observe the directions and decisions of all officials.f) All contestants shall have a pre- and post-bout physical conducted by a physician to attest to the contestant's physical fitness to compete.g) A minimum of one day prior to the date of the contest, each contestant shall provide to the Division medical test results dated no more than 6 months prior to the date of the contest. Medical tests shall include, but not be limited to, the following:1) Complete annual physical examination;2) A blood test that verifies the applicant is HIV negative (quantitative RNA);3) A blood test that verifies the applicant is Hepatitis B (HBsAg) negative;4) A blood test that verifies the applicant is Hepatitis C (HCVAb) negative; and5) Any other test the Department or event physician may require.h) The Division may request the contestant provide a CAT scan (CT) with contrast MRI or MRI/MRA examination when a contestant:1) Has lost 3 bouts in a row by KO or TKO;2) Has lost five bouts in a row;3) Has an extensive losing record; or4) In any other circumstances that lead the Division to determine that the health, safety or welfare of the contestant may be at risk.i) Any contestant who has lost his or her last 6 bouts, regardless of the type of loss, shall not compete in a bout without prior review and approval of the Division.j) All mixed martial arts contestants must have a current national identification number issued by any state, tribal athletic commission, territory, federal agency or county recognized by the Association of Boxing Commissions in order to compete in a contest. If the contestant has not applied for or does not have a current national identification number, he or she shall apply or re-apply for one and pay the required fee per the issuing state's fee schedule.k) All boxing contestants must have a federal identification number issued by any state, tribal athletic commission, territory, federal agency or county recognized by the Association of Boxing Commissions in order to compete in a contest. If a contestant has not applied for or does not have a current federal identification number, he or she shall apply or re-apply for one and pay the required fee per the issuing state's fee schedule.l) A contestant shall not compete in more than one contest within a 15 day period. The Division may determine that more time between contests is necessary to protect the health and safety of the contestant.m) Each contestant shall report to the representative of the Division in the dressing rooms at least one hour before the scheduled time of the first bout of the contest. Failure to do so may result in the contestant being disallowed to participate in the bout.
n) The administration or use of any drugs or stimulants prohibited by Section 1370.230, either before or during a bout, to or by any contestant is prohibited. Any contestant violating this subsection shall be subject to disqualification and immediate suspension under Section 1370.190.o) During a bout or contest, contestants shall only be permitted to drink water. No other fluids shall be permitted.p) Before starting a bout, the referee shall ascertain from each contestant the name of his or her chief second who shall be held responsible for the conduct of the assistant seconds during the progress of the bout. The referee shall call contestants together before each bout for final instructions, at which time each contestant shall be accompanied by the chief second only.q) The 3 judges shall be stationed at the sides immediately adjacent to the fighting area, each at a separate side. The judges shall turn scorecards over to the referee or Division representative after each round. The referee or Division representative shall then hand the scorecards to the Division or an official it has designated. A final decision shall be made before the judges may leave the area. Any erasures or changes on the card shall be approved and initialed by the judge and Division or its designee.r) After receiving instructions, the contestants may shake hands and retire to their corners.s) The contestants and the referee shall be the only persons allowed in the fighting area during the progress of a round. When the referee calls a timeout, he or she may permit the physician to enter the fighting area.t) Under no circumstances shall a contest be held with fewer than 3 bouts.u) Contests with Both Professional and Amateur Bouts 1) If amateur bouts and professional bouts are scheduled during the same contest or event, the professional bouts shall be approved and scheduled as determined by the Division.2) There shall be a minimum of one amateur bout and a minimum of 3 professional bouts.3) There shall be no less than 15 minutes and no more than 30 minutes, as determined by the Division under the Act and this Part, between the amateur and professional bouts.4) The Division or its designee shall have sole discretion to reassign officials such as physicians, referees, judges and timekeepers, who have been assigned to the professional bouts, to the amateur bouts scheduled during the same event.v) The contest shall commence no later than 30 minutes after the start time stated on the contest permit unless otherwise approved by the Division.w) Any person who has competed in any professional contest shall not participate in any amateur contest of the same discipline in the State of Illinois. The Division may discipline a registrant or the license of any contestant, promoter, manager, matchmaker or second who violates, or assists or enables another to violate, the provisions of this subsection.x) The promoter shall provide an adequate room for the attending physician to conduct physical examinations. Whenever a contestant, because of illness or injuries, is unable to take part in a contracted bout, the contestant or the manager shall immediately report that fact to the inspector. The contestant shall then submit to an examination by a physician designated by the Division.y) Tables immediately surrounding the fighting area shall be no higher than the level of the fighting area platform.z) The gong, bell, buzzer, horn or other audible device approved by the Division shall be sufficiently loud so that the officials and contestant can hear it clearly. The 10 second warning before the start of a round may be by whistle or by gong, bell, buzzer, horn or other audible device approved by the Division for that purpose.aa) The promoter may provide video screens during any bout or contest that meets the approval of the Division and that allows patrons to view the action inside the fighting area without obstruction. Video screens may also be provided to officials for use during a The Division shall not release the names of officials assigned to an event until the day of the event or at another time deemed appropriate by the Division.Ill. Admin. Code tit. 68, § 1370.150