Ill. Admin. Code tit. 47 § 371.30
"Applicant": A person or entity applying for an allocation of funds from the Program.
"Authority": The Illinois Housing Development Authority.
"Clearinghouse": A State, regional or metropolitan agency designated by the Governor or the Authority, or established by State law, to review and provide notice to appropriate State and local agencies of proposed housing projects.
"Federal HOME Act": Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 ( P.L. 101-165 ).
"Governor": The Governor of Illinois.
"Members": The Members of the Authority.
"Part": This Part 371.
"Program": The program established by the State pursuant to the Federal HOME Act and administered by the Authority in accordance with the provisions of this Part through which Federal HOME Program funds allocated to the State will be reallocated to eligible Recipients.
"Project": Site or sites, together with any building (including a manufactured housing unit), or buildings located on the sites(s) that are under common ownership, management, and financing and are to be assisted with Program funds as a single undertaking under this Part. Project includes all the activities associated with the site and building. For tenant-based rental assistance, Project means assistance to one or more families.
"Recipient": An individual or entity that receives Program funds for or on behalf of a Project from the Authority pursuant to a Commitment.
"State": The State of Illinois.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 47, § 371.30
Added at 23 Ill. Reg. 3952, effective March 22, 1999