Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44 § 1130.20
The following definitions shall be used in interpreting this Part:
"Act" means the State Finance Act [30 ILCS 105 ].
"Authorized purchase" means an acquisition where a participating agency authorizes an employee as a purchasing card user within cardholder setup limits and restrictions specified by the participating agency; where the merchant authorizes the transaction in accordance with established payment card association rules and regulations; and the participating agency receives the goods. In no event shall a cardholder's acquisition of services or travel expenses be an authorized purchase.
"Cardholder" means an individual designated by a participating agency in accordance with procedures established by CMS to be a purchasing card recipient and make authorized purchases.
"CMS" means the Department of Central Management Services.
"Goods" means all tangible personal property.
"Participating agency" means a State agency that is enrolled in the purchasing card program pursuant to procedures established by CMS.
"Purchasing card program" means the program for State agencies' use of purchasing cards established under this Part.
"Services" means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a contractor, not involving the delivery of a specific end product other than reports or supplies that are incidental to the required performance.
"Single purchasing card transaction" means an individual occurrence of using a purchasing card issued under this Part to purchase any amount of goods.
"State agency" means any department, officer, authority, public corporation, quasi-corporation, commission, board, institution, State college or university, or other public agency created by the State, other than units of local government and school districts.
"Travel expense" means an expense incident to official travel.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 44, § 1130.20