Ill. Admin. Code tit. 41 § 230.260
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 230.260 - Modifications to NFPA 1126NFPA 1126, Use of Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience, is modified to include the following additional requirements:
a) Definitions for use in this Section: "Loading" refers to preparing or mixing for use pyrotechnic material.
"Mixing room" means the room within the facility used for mixing or loading of pyrotechnic materials. The room shall be secure and shall be proximate to the display area.
b) The following are additions to the requirements of Chapter 5 (Storage of Pyrotechnic Materials and Devices): 1) At any time pyrotechnic materials are stored within the facility, they must be stored in the on-site storage magazine that must be, at minimum, a Type 3 Storage "Day Box" that complies with the requirements set forth by ATF and/or DNR (62 Ill. Adm. Code 200.700 ) for Type 3 magazines. The magazine shall be located in the mixing room.2) All pyrotechnic material in the lead operator's possession, when not in use or being loaded, must be stored in the magazine.3) The mixing room shall be placarded with a "1.4 G" USDOT standard placard and a "No Smoking" placard that is 81/2" x 11" with 1" lettering.4) At least one approved 21/2 gallon pressurized water fire extinguisher shall be located within 10' of the mixing room and the door shall be locked when not attended. The lead operator shall have a key to the room.5) The mixing room shall not have carpeting on the floor.c) In addition to the requirements of Chapter 8.1 (General Fire Protection), at least 4 pressurized water or pump extinguishers shall be readily available for use (with the manufacturer's instructions).d) The following are additions to the requirements of Chapter 8.2 (Firing Prerequisites): 1) At no time shall the path of a rocket or grid rocket pass directly over an audience in its travel.2) All temporary suspended truss components, whether supported from the ground or from a building's ceiling, shall have either a steel aircraft cable 3/8" galvanized wire rope safety backup protecting standard polyester spansets (polyester roundslings) or use GACflexa wire rope soft sling to attach truss to the chain motor.e) Section 8.3.6 of Chapter 8.3 (Firing Safeguards) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 1) Warning signal lights must be used to indicate the impending firing of a concussion special effect. The warning signal lights shall be located at least 25' from the concussion effect but within a distance to warn working personnel and other individuals of the impending concussion effect firing.2) Warning signs shall be posted backstage and onstage by the warning light to indicate the purpose of the warning signal lights.f) In addition to the requirements of Chapter 8.3 (Firing Safeguards), prior to commencement of the live entertainment, an announcement to the patrons of the licensed premises must be made to inform the patrons of the locations of exits and fire escapes at the licensed premises.g) Section 8.5.7 of Chapter 8.5 (Safety Precautions) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The lead operator and assistants shall wear safety glasses and clothing made of cotton during the preparation and loading of the pyrotechnic devices.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 41, § 230.260