ANSI. Available from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018, (212) 354-3300:
ANSI/ASQC C1-1985, "Specification of General Requirements for a Quality Program", approved November, 1985.
ANSI/ASQC S1-1987, "An Attribute Skip-Lot Sampling Program", approved March 6, 1987.
ANSI/ASQC Q94-1987, "Quality Management and Quality System Elements - Guidelines", Approved June 15, 1987.
ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 -1981, "Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes", Approved 1981.
ANSI/ASQC Z1.9 -1980, "Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Nonconforming", Approved March 6, 1980.
ASTM Standard D 3828-87 "Standard Test Methods for Flash Point of Liquids by Setaflash Closed Tester", approved December 14, 1987.
ASTM Standard D-93-79 or D-93-80 "ASTM Standard Test Methods for Flash Point Pensky-Martens Closed Tester," approved August 19, 1980.
ASTM Standard E 896-87 "Standard Test Method for Conducting Aqueous Direct Photolysis Tests", approved September 25, 1987.
ASTM Standard E 1147-87 "Standard Test Method for Partition Coefficient (n-Octanol/Water) Estimation by Liquid Chromatography", approved February 27, 1987.
ASTM Standard E 1148-87 "Standard Test Method for Measurements of Aqueous Solubility", approved April 3, 1987
"Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", Third Edition, March, 1983. (Document number PB 84-128677)
"Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste", Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication number SW-846 United States Environmental Protection Agency (Third Edition, November, 1986).
Federal Register. Available from the Superintendent of Documents, United States Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402:
USEPA Guidelines for Carcinogenic Risk Assessment, 51 Fed. Reg. 33992-34003 (September 21, 1986).
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 808.111