- Section 225.200 - Purpose
- Section 225.202 - Measurement Methods
- Section 225.205 - Applicability
- Section 225.210 - Compliance Requirements
- Section 225.220 - Clean Air Act Permit Program (CAAPP) Permit Requirements
- Section 225.230 - Emission Standards for EGUs at Existing Sources
- Section 225.232 - Averaging Demonstrations for Existing Sources
- Section 225.233 - Multi-Pollutant Standards (MPS)
- Section 225.234 - Temporary Technology-Based Standard for EGUs at Existing Sources
- Section 225.235 - Units Scheduled for Permanent Shut Down
- Section 225.237 - Emission Standards for New Sources with EGUs
- Section 225.238 - Temporary Technology-Based Standard for New Sources with EGUs
- Section 225.239 - Periodic Emissions Testing Alternative Requirements
- Section 225.240 - General Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
- Section 225.250 - Initial Certification and Recertification Procedures for Emissions Monitoring
- Section 225.260 - Out of Control Periods and Data Availability for Emission Monitors
- Section 225.261 - Additional Requirements to Provide Heat Input Data
- Section 225.263 - Monitoring of Gross Electrical Output
- Section 225.265 - Coal Analysis for Input Mercury Levels
- Section 225.270 - Notifications
- Section 225.290 - Recordkeeping and Reporting
- Section 225.291 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Purpose
- Section 225.292 - Applicability of the Combined Pollutant Standard
- Section 225.293 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Notice of Intent
- Section 225.294 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements and Emissions Standards for Mercury
- Section 225.295 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Emissions Standards for NO[x] and SO[2]
- Section 225.296 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Control Technology Requirements for NO[x], SO[2], and PM Emissions
- Section 225.297 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Permanent Shut-Downs
- Section 225.298 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Requirements for NO[x] and SO[2] Allowances
- Section 225.299 - Combined Pollutant Standard: Clean Air Act Requirements