Ill. Admin. Code tit. 23, pt. 2800, app A
State of Illinois
Illinois Green Governments Coordinating Council
Green Cleaning Schools Act Program
For the cleaning supply categories listed in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 2800.30(a), schools may procure and use non-pre-qualified cleaning supplies provided that they meet the requirements of the Green Cleaning Schools Act and 23 Ill. Adm. Code 2800.40, summarized as follows.
The manufacturer or distributor of a non-pre-qualified product must seek alternative qualification of environmental sensitivity by providing the Green Governments Coordinating Council (the "Council") with independent documentation verifying that the product meets the criteria of at least one of the Green Seal standards (GS-37 or GS-41 for chemicals; GS-9 for paper) or EcoLogo standards (CCD-104, CCD-146 or CCD-148 for chemicals; CCD-86 for paper).
The verification must come in the form of testing data provided by one or more independent third-party laboratories. Any laboratories that maintain accreditation meeting the standards of ISO/IEC 17025 may conduct the required testing.
The Council shall charge no fee to the party seeking alternative qualification. The party seeking alternative qualification shall bear all laboratory and other costs necessary to obtain the required test results.
A properly submitted verification application and documentation shall entitle the product to alternative qualification for a period of no less than one year. Unlimited automatic renewals of the qualification shall be accepted at no charge for additional one-year periods provided that there have been no substantial changes in either the relevant criteria for qualification of that product, or in the formulation of that product. If substantial changes have occurred, a renewal of alternative qualification requires new laboratory verification.
Applicants must complete one application per product seeking alternative qualification. Please attach all documentation of test results to the completed copy of this application. Submit all pages to the Council in a single envelope.
Mail the completed application and supporting documentation to:
Illinois Green Governments Coordinating Council
c/o Lt. Governor's Office
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 15-200
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 23, pt. 2800, app A