Ill. Admin. Code tit. 23 § 1031.20
"Act" means the Private Colleges and Universities Capital Distribution Formula Act [30 ILCS 769/25].
"Board" means the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
"Capital Projects" means the construction, repair, renovation, and miscellaneous capital improvements, including the planning, engineering, acquisition, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other required expenses. [30 ILCS 425/4(c)] Capital projects do not include the following:
The use of funds for purposes barred by the Act;
The repair, renovation or construction of facilities used for sectarian instruction, religious worship or a school or department of divinity, or in which a majority of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission. For the purposes of this grant, a "school or department of divinity" means an institution, or a department of an institution, whose program is specifically for the education of students to prepare them to become ministers of religion or to enter upon some other religious vocation, or to prepare them to teach theological subjects; and
The repair, renovation or construction of the proportional share of joint use facilities that either:
provide personal residential space for owners, administrators, or persons who are not students of the institution; or
provide office, retail or storage space used for business activities unrelated to the educational mission of the institution.
"CDB" means the Capital Development Board.
"Equity Plan" means a plan specific to an institution to increase the access, retention, completion, and student loan repayment rates of minorities, rural students, adult students, women, and individuals with disabilities who are traditionally underrepresented in education programs and activities. [110 ILCS 205/9.16]
"GATA" means the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act [30 ILCS 708].
"Grant Period" means the time during which the grantee may incur new obligations to carry out the work authorized under the State award. The Board includes the start and end dates of the grant period in the award.
"Grantee" means, for the purposes of this Part, an institution of higher education located in Illinois that carries out a State award as a recipient of the Independent Colleges Capital Investment Grant Program.
"Independent Colleges" has the same meaning as prescribed in Section 25-5 of the Act. In addition, non-public, non-profit institutions that have been in continuous operation and granted degrees within the State of Illinois before the effective date of the Private College Act, July 17, 1945, [110 ILCS 1005/2] or the Academic Degree Act, August 14, 1961, [110 ILCS 1010/4] and have not modified the business entity since the effective dates of those Acts. Institutions that are solely authorized under the Private Business and Vocational Schools Act [105 ILCS 426] are not independent colleges for purposes of the Act.
"Independent colleges" does not include: any institution that primarily or exclusively provided online education services as of the fall 2017 term. (Section 25-5 of the Act) For the purposes of this definition, primarily or exclusively provided online education services means greater than 75 percent of the courses offered by the institution; and
Any institution primarily used for sectarian instruction, as a place of religious teaching or worship or for any religious denomination or the training of ministers, priests, rabbis, or other professional persons in the field of religion; for the purposes of this definition, primarily used means greater than 75 percent of the students are enrolled in theology and religious vocation programs.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 23, § 1031.20