Several agencies or departments, local and state, are empowered to ensure compliance with safety standards which have been established by law.
Emergency exit doors shall be clearly indicated with at least 41/2 inch block lettering stating "Exit" in all capital letters, lighted at all times; and their location shall be known to all occupants.
Combustible materials, such as drapes, curtains, and rugs shall be of flame-proof material. Paint shall be flame-retardant.
Any damaged or nonfunctioning equipment must be promptly repaired.
Stairways must be provided with a hand rail.
Retarded and/or physically handicapped children must be sheltered on the ground floor.
Children shall be prohibited from engaging in any unsupervised activity that could cause injury.
Children who volunteer and are assigned to operate or use potentially dangerous tools or machinery or to participate in vocational type tasks shall be given a safety orientation prior to participation, and shall be supervised while performing the task.
Floors and other walking surfaces shall be kept free of substances producing hazardous footing.
No person, including law enforcement personnel, shall be permitted to enter any living or sleeping section of the shelter care facility with a gun or other weapon on his person. Weapons shall be stored in a secure and locked drawer, cabinet or container immediately upon entry to the facility.
An emergency lighting source shall be available in the event of a primary power failure.
Shower floors and tubs shall have safety strips or other non-skid devices applied to prevent slipping.
All poisonous compounds shall be kept in a locked steel cabinet. Such substances shall not be stored in the kitchen or food storage areas.
In addition to these standards, the adherence to the rules and regulations of the Division of Fire Prevention, State of Illinois, is required. Fire evacuation plans will be posted in areas frequented by youths.
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 20, § 2603.140