Section - DESIGN STANDARDS FOR TASTE AND ODOR CONTROLProvision must be made for the control of taste and odor. Chemicals must be added sufficiently ahead of other treatment processes to assure adequate contact time for an effective and economical use of the chemicals. Where severe taste and odor problems are encountered, in-plant studies, pilot plant studies, or both in-plant and pilot plant studies may be required in accordance with Subsection 501.19.
01.Chlorination. When using chlorination as a method of taste and odor control adequate contact time must be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved.02.Chlorine Dioxide. Provisions must be made for proper storing and handling of the sodium chlorite, so as to eliminate any danger of explosion.03.Powdered Activated Carbon. a. The PWS owner can add carbon as a pre-mixed slurry or by means of a dry-feed machine as long as the carbon is properly wetted.b. Continuous agitation or resuspension equipment is necessary to keep the carbon from depositing in the slurry storage tank.c. The PWS owner must provide for adequate dust control.d. The PWS owner must handle powdered activated carbon as a potentially combustible material.04.Granular Activated Carbon. Replacement of anthracite with GAC may be considered as a control measure for geosmin and methylisoborneol (MIB) taste and odors from algae blooms in surface water applications. Demonstration studies are required by the Department.05.Copper Sulfate and Other Copper Compounds. Continuous or periodic treatment of surface water with copper compounds to kill algae or other growths must be controlled to prevent copper in excess of one point zero (1.0) milligrams per liter as copper in the plant effluent or distribution system. Care must be taken to assure an even distribution of the chemical within the treatment area.06.Potassium Permanganate. Application of potassium permanganate may be considered, providing the treatment will be designed so that the products of the reaction are not visible in the finished water.07.Ozone. Ozonation may be used as a means of taste and odor control. Adequate contact time must be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved.08.Other Methods. Other methods of taste and odor control may be made only after pilot plant tests and approval of the Department.Idaho Admin. Code r.